Berry Detox (Formerly Bumbleberry Burst)

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Berry, Earthy, Fruity, Grassy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 oz / 295 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Very berry….Maybe currants? Surprisingly nice. I haven’t had many puerh teas and was very pleasantly surprised by them. Never thought you could get such a fruity tea. Mostly drank it cold but its...” Read full tasting note
  • “Having this iced, added one serving of stevia. It’s nice! A very light taste – next time, I’ll let it steep for a few more minutes. It’s refreshing and the berry taste is noticeable – there is also...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’d considered ordering this one, so it was cool to see some in the TTB! The puerh base contributes a lot of flavor to this blend, which isn’t my favorite. Cold, this is fruity and decent, but I’d...” Read full tasting note
  • “(DavidsTea 142) Not bad for a tea with stevia. I had it hot; it was quite fruity and did taste like warm berries, but I imagine towards the end of the pouch the stevia will be overwhelming. I may...” Read full tasting note



When you’re in the mood for a fresh dose of fruity hydration, this is the tea you need. Reach for a fruit-forward, earthy pu’erh with freshly macerated dark berries—including tropical garcinia. The one-two punch of garcinia & pu’erh work together to deliver big league cleansing and metabolism-boosting benefits to your one-in-a-million bod.

A beautiful blend of macerated dark berries—not too sweet, with a delightfully tart acidity.

This tea is perfect when steeped hot or iced.

Garcinia, a small tropical fruit from Southeast Asia, looks like a mini pumpkin and is celebrated for its metabolism-boosting properties.

Packed full of berries for a boost of sun-kissed goodness.

With a touch of tart hibiscus and sweet beetroot to balance the flavours.

Pu’erh tea, Apple, Raisin, Ginger, Hibiscus, Elderberry, Natural (strawberry, currant) flavouring, Beetroot, Candied ginger (ginger, sugar), Carrot, Blueberry, Garcinia, Raspberry, Cornflower, Nutmeg, Stevia extract.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

11 Tasting Notes

280 tasting notes

Very berry….Maybe currants? Surprisingly nice. I haven’t had many puerh teas and was very pleasantly surprised by them. Never thought you could get such a fruity tea. Mostly drank it cold but its nice hot too. Most berry teas that tends not to be true. I wouldnt buy again but I enjoyed it.

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6 tasting notes

Having this iced, added one serving of stevia.

It’s nice! A very light taste – next time, I’ll let it steep for a few more minutes. It’s refreshing and the berry taste is noticeable – there is also a bit of a grassy note? It’s difficult to describe. It might be the pu’erh?

Flavors: Berry, Earthy, Fruity, Grassy

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 5 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

Welcome, 나리 Nari :) A beautiful name.

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2567 tasting notes

I’d considered ordering this one, so it was cool to see some in the TTB! The puerh base contributes a lot of flavor to this blend, which isn’t my favorite. Cold, this is fruity and decent, but I’d prefer these flavors on an herbal base. Grape and blackberry are the flavors I taste the most strongly other than the base, which tastes a little like dirt, but not in a terrible way.

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6117 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 142)

Not bad for a tea with stevia. I had it hot; it was quite fruity and did taste like warm berries, but I imagine towards the end of the pouch the stevia will be overwhelming. I may try it iced too.


I could never get into stevia. It has a weird metallic flavor that I find overtakes whatever it’s put into.

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252 tasting notes

Yumm love it! Has a crisp berry flavor that includes caffeine. So good and can’t wait to buy more. It lives up to its name, first it tastes subtly fruity and then bam there comes the burst.

Iced – Yes
Hot – Yes
Tin – Yes

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16875 tasting notes

This is the other brand new tea introduced in the subscription box!

If you get the subscription box then the tasting menu in the box has info pages for each tea with little QR codes that link you videos with the tea team talking about the teas. For this tea, I’m in the little QR code video discussing it my coworker and friend Celia, who conceptualized the original tea that became this blend!

To simplify… it went through A LOT of changes!

My favourite thing about this blend is honestly that it’s on a pu’erh base – it’s been such an incredibly long time since DT has done a new fruity pu’erh blend and I just felt like it was about time! We have so many sweet and indulgent pu’erh blends, and that makes sense because the rich full body of shou pu’erh compliments flavours like chocolate or caramel really well – but they aren’t the only thing that they go well with! Darker forest berries – like blueberry, blackberry, and elderberry among others – honestly go SO WELL with earthy, robust pu’erh and they bring out a different kind of richness – more like dense and juicy/syrupy berries just bursting at the seams with flavour. Well, if berries had seams, that is.

So, what is a bumbleberry!? Well, it’s not really one specific type of berry but more of a word for mixed berries – typically three or more – that is used here in Canada. It has origins in the maritimes and you’ll most commonly see it used as the flavour of pies or jams! Bumbleberry also usually has apple in it, and sometimes the pies will have spices too. Since this blend originally started as something that was inspired by Prairie berries, but then changed concept gradually over time, I thought the name Bumbleberry was a really beautiful homage to another part of Canada – and accurate for the blend too since this tastes like a juicy, sweet and tart mix of blueberry, raspberry, elderberry and hibiscus with hints of apple and warming spice note undertones from the ginger and nutmeg. I love the natural earthy shou notes that come through alongside those punchy berry flavours as well!

While this is obviously delicious iced, I personally actually like it better hot! Either way, I hope other people find this blend as fun as I do!

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.


‘Prairie Berries’ would be another great tea name!

Roswell Strange

DT actually carried a tea many, many years ago with the name “Prairie Berry”.


OH cool! Obviously I did not know that.


Now I just looked up Prairie Berry and now it needs to be re-released. haha

Lexie Aleah


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