Cream of Earl Grey [duplicate]

Tea type
Black Tea
Bergamot Oil, Black Tea, Cornflower Petals, Vanilla Flavour
Licorice, Sweet, Vanilla, Bergamot, Cream, Creamy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by fyetan
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 65 oz / 1929 ml

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Lovers of Earl Grey adore this creamy alternative to the original blend. You’ll recognize the same high-quality black tea, the same citrus burst of bergamot oil, the same beautiful grey-blue petals. However this version adds a touch of vanilla, and the result is an unexpectedly rich, creamy taste experience. (MK Kosher).

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

12 Tasting Notes

4 tasting notes

I couldn’t taste bergamot in it. It was still tasty but not at all like an Earl Grey should taste.

Flavors: Licorice, Sweet

4 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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102 tasting notes

whew. I love Earl Grey and I really didn’t like this one. I think I’ve narrowed it down to the vanilla flavoring that threw me way off. Whatever it was, this just did not work for me at all.

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14 tasting notes

I bought this remembering the first time i had EGC at the Granville Island Tea Company when I was 18. This didn’t match my memory and was more malt and vanilla and less bergamot that I remember. My husband loved it and is sipping away.

Not sure if i got a bad batch as I ordered from DavidsTea on Amazon or if it just isnt for me. 2 tsp tea. 475ml water for 5 min as per the package.

I might make a Granville Island purchase to compare.

Edit: i tried a cup today at Davids Tea… I just dont like it.

0 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 475 OZ / 14047 ML

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4 tasting notes

the ingredients on my container and on the site are listed as Organic: Black tea, marigolds. With cornflowers and natural flavouring. THERE IS NO BERGAMOT in this. So IDK why they call it an earl grey since the whole concept of earl grey is black tea with bergamot. It tastes like melted ice cream with a weird pepto bismol aftertaste. I couldn’t even finish the cup it was that bad. Simply gross.

5 min, 30 sec

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100 tasting notes

Overpowering vanilla smell and taste.

Flavors: Vanilla

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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31 tasting notes

Day… 18? of DavidsTea’s 24 Days of Tea 2017

I tried it black at first, and it was pretty bitter, but it wasn’t so bad when i added milk and sugar. I dunno, I don’t really drink much earl grey. I’d probably drink it again (with milk and sugar) if I was offered some, but i wouldn’t go out of my way for some more of this tea.

5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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1403 tasting notes

This is one of the oldest teas I have. I got it in a boxed set way back when when I first converted from coffee to tea and disliked it immensely when I first tried it. I tried it black then. To me, it tasted of imitation flavours and false perfumey sweetness. Could not understand the huge fan base.

I may have mentioned that I am staying at a friend’s place to escape from baby world here. It feels like I am on vacation. With me, I brought just a skeletal wardrobe of clothing, a medium-sized batch of kitchen gear, and a huge colossus of teas as I had been in the midst of long overdue swap preparation. I was determined to not overthink things—this time—so I threw packets into my bag and then I threw more packets into my bag and then started another bag and threw some more into that one. Came across this one in a collection/assortment arranged in some order likely understood by me at some point, but not quite now. Now or never, I threw it into the bag. Now after all this time, I had a cup, added half and half, and wow.

I’ve had several cups of this now. Quite nice. I just may finish this one up before I move back home.

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5 tasting notes

The vanilla taste is harsh and jarring and doesn’t taste like real vanilla bean. Other than the vanilla, the bergamot flavouring is pleasant but somewhat weak, overpowered by the vanilla. I will keep this around for variety and guests, but will not likely repurchase.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 2 OZ / 60 ML

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9 tasting notes

I love Earl Grey tea, but this was not very good. The artificial vanilla smell puts me right off, and the tea itself is extremely weak and needs a lot of steeping.

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2992 tasting notes

I didn’t care for this earl grey. I don’t enjoy the black tea base used and I didn’t find the cream flavour very good. It tasted more like cream cheese than cream/milk flavour.

Flavors: Bergamot

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 20 OZ / 600 ML

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