Hot Chocolate

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Black Tea, Chocolate Chips, Chocolate Flakes, Cocoa Nibs, Pu Erh Tea
Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar, Sweet, Tea, Dark Chocolate, Earth, Smoke, Bitter, Burnt, Roasted, Creamy, Dirt, Forest Floor, Mocha, Coffee, Metallic, Campfire, Roast Nuts, Caramel, Cream, Hay, Thick, Rice
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by DAVIDsTEA
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 15 sec 6 g 23 oz / 672 ml

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81 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Day 4 Davids Tea Advent Calendar 2023 I like this one. It’s not too heavy but has a solid hot chocolate taste. More like powdered packet with water hot cocoa not homemade cocoa with milk.” Read full tasting note
  • “This is pretty darn good! It’s become cold again tonight after being mild for a few days (which was lovely) so I wanted something that would give me cozy, comforting vibes in a mug. This is doing...” Read full tasting note
  • “It does taste like hot chocolate, but something is missing. Maybe I needed to brew it up with more milk because it was on the thinner side for hot chocolate. Idk, I think I would just rather drink...” Read full tasting note
  • “I do not generally like pu’erh teas. In fact, I put off tasting this for quite some time because of it. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I really enjoy it. I don’t care for the stevia...” Read full tasting note


Feeling hot, hot, hot

We take hot chocolate pretty seriously around here. It’s gotta be rich, decadent and mega-creamy. And after searching high and low for the ultimate hot chocolate tea, we finally found the perfect blend. We took a flavourful base of pu’erh and black tea, then we added real cocoa nibs and fudgy chocolate chips. The result? An uber-chocolately blend worthy of the name Hot Chocolate. Dark, sweet and totally satisfying, it’s the perfect winter treat.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

81 Tasting Notes

3 tasting notes

taste like hot chocolate, enough said

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326 tasting notes

I was skeptical about this tea for a few reasons: 1) Other reviews haven’t been great so far (Can we say stevia? Ew.) and 2) it’s a pu-erh which I’ve yet to have much luck with, so I was actually rather surprised this morning. Does it taste like hot chocolate? Yes. Does it taste like good hot chocolate? Well not really. It’s more a long the lines of a too watery cup of hot chocolate that could really use some milk, but there’s kind of a nostalgic element to that feeling that makes it rather enjoyable. I actually really liked this as a pu-erh. The earthiness actually added to the flavour as opposed to getting in the way (looking at you, Juicy Orange). And, though it may have just been my sample, I didn’t pick up on any stevia in this. I would really like to try this one as a latte, but black I actually found it quite nice.

Flavors: Chocolate

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

Glad this one didn’t assault your tastebuds!


I hope DAVIDs is looking at the Steepster reviews re: stevia, but I doubt it.


I doubt it as well :/ Though overall I think the popularity of stevia is going down.


Thank goodness. It seemed like such a huge thing last year! I’m feeling like they’re trying to go more organic, at the very least.

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2 tasting notes

I wasn’t sure how much like hot chocolate this tea would taste, but I was curious and had to pick some up. While it doesn’t taste exactly like hot chocolate, the chocolate taste is definitely there – perhaps like a watered down hot chocolate, but not in a bad way (if that makes any sense!). It has a sweetness, but at the same time is not too sweet. If you are looking for something that has a full-body, super strong chocolatey taste this may not be what you’re looking for (though adding milk, which I didn’t include, may further enhance the flavour). But all in all I really enjoyed this tea, and I’d definitely recommend giving it a try!

Flavors: Chocolate

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Do you think it would work in a latte? I’m getting some in my DT advent calendar whenever it comes.


I think it would work as a latte, though I’ve only ever had chai lattes so I don’t have much experience unfortunately. It sounds like it would be good!

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1792 tasting notes

So I have a job interview at a university tomorrow morning and I’m semi-stressing out. On the way to Dollarama to grab a folder for tomorrow’s reference list/resume and a stapler, I passed a DAVIDs and it reminded me of the winter collection that just rolled out so I decided to swing by on the way back (and also made stops at… five different grocery stores/pharmacies to look for discounted Halloween chocolate when I realized such sales happen!) to grab some small amounts of some.

I feel horrible saying this but the sales associate was so damn annoying. Just as I was about to reach the tins of the winter collection on the counter, I was stopped in my tracks…

SA: Oh ma gaaaaaaaaah have you checked out the Advent calendars?
Me: I know about it but it’s not really my thing.
SA: Reeeeeally?! starts walking over to display of them and motions me to follow
Me: Oh yes, they’re very beautifully designed.
SA: talks for about two minutes straight about the features and how amazing the product is … and they’re selling like hotcakes! They won’t be around for long! One lady came in earlier and bought TEN OF THEM.
Me: Wow! Well, I’m interested in trying a few of the new teas.
SA: Well, check this out. turns around to face the winter collection display shelves You can smell them here since we just poured them into these little glasses so they’re nice and fresh. proceeds to talk about every single one for another few minutes
Me: Mmm, I love the smell of the Cardamom French Toast especially. And the Sweet Almond Green is so Amaretto.
SA: You can buy all of these in this collection because really, 25g gives you an idea of what they’re all like and it’s a really good price. [which is always bullshit]
Me: No thanks, I always get a little of the ones I’m interested in and then decide on what I want more of.
SA: Oh ok, then [clearly not happy with my answer]

So choosing the above two plus this one, I wanted 10-14g of this one and around 20g of the other two, because of course, one only needs to try them once or twice in order to get an idea of how it tastes.

For this tea in particular, on the first pour, she managed to get 12g in here, so I thought she’d print off the sticker and that would be that, seeing I asked for 10-14g. But she then proceeded to scoop more, and right when she was about to pour it in, dumping the first two grams in (out of, I’d say was another ten grams in the scoop), I said it was ok, that that would be enough, and I tried to say it in the kindest way possible. Then she went on and on about how sometimes the above smaller amounts aren’t enough because teas are heavier, blah blah blah, and would only be enough for one cup. Seriously? What are you making, an udon bowl full of tea in one go?

I’m sorry, but I’m noticing this behaviour more and more at DAVIDs. Always trying to sell the collections and saying it’s cheaper, overpouring, claiming 10-20g isn’t enough to even make one cup, etc. Yes, there are heavier teas out there, like Banana Nut Bread, which I can see needing like 8g of for one standard-sized cup, but man oh man.

The 14g ended up making one Nordic-sized mug + one standard-cup of tea for my mother and me. I guess this is where the actual tea review kicks in (sorry)!

I didn’t even notice that this was a pu-erh blend in the store. But I can tell from the smell of the loose leaf alone that it’s not going to be too earthy or dirty. Or fishy. Or anything else bad that pu-erh can sometimes be. There’s a generous amount of chocolate chips in the mix, so let’s go…

The Stevia Monster is out full force in this one. It’s seriously overpowering those earthy pu-erh notes that are struggling to be noticed. The liquor is murky, probably from all the chocolate, yet, I don’t taste much chocolate in here. It’s there but it’s a little waxy. The kind of waxy I get from other DAVIDs chocolate blends like Love Tea #7 and Chocolate Chili Chai. Cheap waxy chocolate lollipops shaped into roses and witches and shit that you get as a kid, because children don’t deserve better-quality chocolate or something.

Seriously, this reminds me of sitting on the swingset in the backyard when I was around six-years-old, and my dad brought me a heart-shaped chocolate lollipop for Valentine’s Day. A very nice gesture, for sure. This tea tastes like that first bite of the waxy chocolate whilst smelling the earth from our nearby garden.

But that stevia, though.

TLDR: Hot Chocolate = waxy chocolate lollipops on Stevia ‘roids. Sales associate tried to sell me shit I didn’t want.


Eee!!!! Fingers crossed for you tomorrow! Job interviews are so stressful, but jobs are good. ;)


Thanks, I seriously need all the luck I can get!


Seriously the last interview I had I was a nervous wreck and couldn’t stop talking. I was thinking, “Oh gods just shut me up!” But I think I got it. If not, I’ve applied for other jobs too. :)


Basically, that means (sorry I’m a little tipsy) that you will kick butt and ace it even if you’re nervous. You can do it! Google interview questions and prepare with examples for the hard ones. Like… have you ever received constructive criticism and can you give an example. And… why should we hire you? (UGH I hate those ones so much!)


Haha tipsy OMG is always awesome. OMG is always awesome regardless. But I’m glad you think it went well overall. I’m so nervous about not being able to answer a question properly, or not being properly prepared. I think I’m up against like 3-4 people out of who knows how many applicants (50-100? Who knows) so to blow it now would suck.

I hate those questions too!


I’m so sorry to hear the staff were off their game today. I actually really like the service I get at DAVID’s (usually) but it pisses me off when they’re just pushing products. This summer I was in one day and one of the sales associates kept on insisting it wasn’t possible to cold brew tea (okay, then what have I been doing?) and insisted I needed one of their perfect pitchers. As she was outlining all the features to me I couldn’t help but laugh (I bought two for various mother’s day gifts and could’ve explained it better myself). Whole thing really pissed me off really. Otherwise, never had a bad experience with the Halifax stores.

And good luck with the interview! My first one I was a hot mess (it was for the military and I didn’t realize I was supposed to pick three specific positions and they send my out into the reception to read up on some before we continued), but I still got it! Moral is people understand and are fairly forgiving. Just be enthusiastic and show them you actually WANT the job.


Ahh!! Fingers mega crossed then! You can TOTALLY do it. And at the end, ask them if there’s anything you could improve upon that would increase your chances, or something like that. I see that recommended everywhere, but I haven’t ever really cared enough to do it. :D

Evol Ving Ness

Break a leg tomorrow!


I’m part of a group on Facebook about teas and many people complained today about DT associates trying to sell them the calendar when they had no interest at all :( Such a shame!


Interesting how there have been a lot of complaints about overzealous employees pimping the calendar. It’s kind of contradictory to be so pushy when under the same breath, they’ll also say that they sell out really fast regardless so ACT NOW! So if the product speaks for itself and they always sell out quickly, then why the pushy attitude?

That’s good that your experiences with the sales associates are overall positive, Fay. It seems to be a mix here in Edmonton and in Victoria. Some are relaxed and respectful, then others are overly pushy. It probably comes down to management + the own individual’s personality. And I had no idea it was impossible to cold brew tea! I guess all those cold brews we do are a figment of our imagination. ;)

Thanks for the good luck wishes, all! I’m definitely going to throw in a couple fluffy questions for them at the end to help drive home the point of how enthusiastic I am about the position. I never did that in the past too, OMG, but have noticed how a lot of online sources say that that is a nail in your coffin to not come with your own questions. So many rules to follow when interviewing, it seems!


“What does a typical day look like?” Pretty good one, if it hasn’t already been gone through. :)


Exactly! Or “What have past employees done to succeed in this position?” Play the game, play the game.

Roswell Strange

Once I was enough of a regular at the Saskatoon store (I knew the associates by name, brought them in tea samples from other companies, had ‘partied’ with a few outside of work) I always got great customer service. Here in Regina I know some of the associates from highschool so I get great service from them. The others, I find, I have to really bite my tongue so I don’t say something like “You can stop; I know more than you do…”.


Good luck!!!


Good to know on the stevia front. Good luck with the interview my friend! You’ll kick butt!


Sorry to hear about your experiences with DAVIDS lately. I guess the sales associates must know me at my local DAVIDs cause they know not to bullshit me lol.


Ooh that’s a good one. I should have used that one. Oh well.


Your review made me laugh. It reminds me of the time I went into Lush to get a single bath bomb and got bombarded with three sales staff trying to get me to buy things I didn’t go in for. I was so peeved.

I haven’t had a bad experience at Davids yet, but perhaps they got a memo telling them to push certain products more than others?

Good to know about the stevia. I did buy a calendar from their website because I’ve wanted one for years, and I know one of the days has this hot chocolate tea in it— and I dislike stevia. Wonderful review though!


I hope your interview went well. I ended up getting 10g of this one, because I was afraid of the stevia. I hoped that the puerh and chocolate would reduce the stevia in this, but I’m guessing that it doesn’t based on the comment of STEVIA MONSTER. Makes me sad. I don’t know why they are adding sweetener to a CHOCOLATE tea. Chocolate not sweet enough? Given stevia or coconut sugar, I’ll take the latter…but even so, why don’t you let ME add my own sweetener (and amounts) DAVIDs, huh? Please don’t do it for me, thanks.


Thanks for the good luck wishes, everyone! I think they helped. :)

Great minds think alike, Alyssa. When I was writing this review, I was so tempted to write about how the above behaviour reminds me of Lush employees haha.

It seems like most people dislike stevia. So what gives putting it in a whole bunch of your teas, DAVIDs?

Evol Ving Ness

Here in To, I don’t notice DT people being all that pushy. He/she usually will suggest something or other once or twice and then I’ll mention that I am pretty familiar with their teas and products. Often, they’ll suggest that they’re hiring—ha!


This is where I saw the note about pushy DT salespeople lol, and I must say I had a poor experience with one today, also in Edmonton! I have never been so pressured into purchasing tea at DavidsTea before, my friend and I were given a free sample of the Chai and Mighty then attempted to be sold the Kashmiri Chai as well, then when that failed, into the advent calendars..which I am not interested in at all as I’ve tried lots of the teas included (and I don’t need that much tea lol), then into the winter collection boxed set, I said I couldn’t have the one because of nuts so I didn’t want the box set (little white lie, I can have almonds but did not want to spend on the boxed set). Finally I asked for 15g each of 3 of the winter collection teas, and I got 26g of the first, 28g of the second which I made her pour some back to get to 20g, then 14g of the last, as well as she overfilled my free 50g by about 14g so I had to pay for part of it!! And on top of that, tried to sell me paper filters. I am rather disappointed, and sorry for the long venting lol, but it was just the worst customer experience I’ve had with DavidsTea, and I am quite a loyal customer so it makes me sad. :(


wow that’s not cool misslena :(

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513 tasting notes

Ok, so this was one of the samples I was offered as soon as I entered dT today. And I have to say: very underwhelming. I could taste the chocolate, and a bit of the earthiness of the puer, and that’s about it. I couldn’t really detect the black base, although I did get the impression that the whole thing would be next-level awesome with a bit of milk and sugar (because you seriously cannot have watery hot chocolate, you just can’t. I think it’s illegal, even). So I did pick up some to try out at home, but I wasn’t overly sold. I also just think that when it comes to hot chocolate, I’d always just prefer the real thing anyway. it’s like all the milk substitutes that, for me at least, don’t measure up taste-wise.

That said, dT was just such a happy place today. I’ll always like going there.

0 OZ / 0 ML

I’m brewing this at this very instant! Guess I won’t expect much going into it. :)


Hey, you might be pleasantly surprised! I look forward to seeing what you think :)


Oh man, I smelled this one today and I have to admit that I really dislike the DavidsTea chocolate flavour. I couldn’t even try it, and I was really looking forward to it!


Definitely not for everyone. Also: real hot chocolate.


mmm, real hot chocolate. Made with milk, and chocolate. :D :D


I’ve only had a few chocolate blends that really satisfied me, and at least half of them include barley as an ingredient. Barley really complements the chocolate flavor and makes it taste much richer and less watery. Although most of them are also even better with milk.

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289 tasting notes

Dry leaf: Rich milk chocolate fudge.

Liqueur: Chocolate brown. Smells like creamy hot chocolate and fudge.

Flavour: Very sweet, full flavored chocolate fudge. Creamy mouth feel with a deep chocolate aftertaste.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Hey DAVIDs, can you add gingerbread cookie since it’s already been released with the 24 days of tea?


Hey Kristal! We’ll be putting up the tasting notes soon :)


Besides, you should need to write a tasting note because there’s no peeking allowed ;)


Thanks DAVIDs! You guys are my favourite :)

Fay, hehe, I know I shouldn’t peek but I’m very particular about making sure all the teas I have in my possession are in my cupboard here on steepster. That way even as I use up the small samples I can remove them-therefore “decreasing” my collection :). To be fair, I don’t remember what teas are for what days- I just quickly added each sample to my cupboard. So It’ll still be a surprise :).


Oh I completely understand. I went to do the same as soon as my calendar arrived!


Hehe, I’m not the only one!

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