Spiced Fig

Tea type
Fruit Tea
Not available
Apple, Clove, Fig, Nutty, Sweet, Tart
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 283 ml

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What’s the fig idea?

Let’s face it. Figgy Pudding is a holiday must-have. In fact, the tradition goes way back to medieval England, and in 1714, pudding enthusiast King George insisted on a plum pudding at his royal holiday feast. Our version combines cranberries, almonds, dates, cloves and big, luscious pieces of fig for a holiday treat that’s pure satisfaction at next to no calories. Try it hot with a splash of brandy and a cinnamon stick.

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About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

53 Tasting Notes

17008 tasting notes

Sipdown (203)!

Somehow this one keeps finding its way back to me, despite my not wanting to have it in my cupboard. this was one of the three free samples from the DAVIDsTEA order sent to me, so yet another time it’s wound up in my cupboard without my actually picking it out – the other being as a Christmas gift.

It’s heavy and weak in flavour, and just all around costly. Plus side? It’s easy enough to sipdown, so it never really sticks around long. This one has that going for it.

EDIT: I just checked out the DT site to see the new tea of the month, and am admittedly relieved that it’s not something I feel compelled to go buy. It’s another green…

I have lots of Hot Lips which sounds similar enough to me for me to pass (but I’ll try it once I’m out of Hot Lips). Although, the lack of ginger in the new one is a little compelling – also because I really like cloves.

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Kristal 11 years ago

The plus side of it being so heavy is that it got out of my cupboard quickly!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

I also am not really interested in the new tea which is awesome because I don’t need more tea.

Kristal 11 years ago

I’ve been trying to cut back as well…although, hypocritically, I just bought $65 worth of tea…but to be fair the ones I have never had before I only bought 25 grams worth so in case I don’t care for them they won’t stick around my cupboard long!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

@Kristal – when it comes to teas I have not tried before, I now only get 10 g. That way it is enough for 2-3 cups so I can try it out but am not stuck with it if I don’t enjoy it.

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

When I get DT samples I get between 15g to 30g amounts depending on weight/price. That way I can do several hot cups to see if I can perfect a bad cup (if I have a bad cup) or do a cold brew to try that way.

Kristal 11 years ago

If I am really skeptical I will get less but I went for 25 grams just in case I liked the teas. Luckily I didn’t HATE any of the teas I just bought!

keychange 11 years ago

I tried the new tea in store today, and I don’t think you’re missing out. it just tastes like a cinnamon heart, and that’s honestly all-I don’t get too much of anything else at all—cloves, orange peel, base—just lots an dlots of cinnamon. I only had it in their shot glass thing though, so I only had a few small gulps.

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1598 tasting notes

Yes…. this is my favorite of the Winter Collection (which, isn’t saying much?) The flavour combination makes me think of Christmas festivities. The only downside is the weight. It’s basically 10g per cup so it’s a little expensive..

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Crowkettle 11 years ago

This one reminded me of hot apple cider with cloves and some extra fruit. I preferred it to the cake-ish blends too (although DT note says it’s trying to be a cake as well?). :)

Plunkybug 11 years ago

I agree. I like it best, but the weight this is an issue.

Dinosara 11 years ago

I’m interested to try this one in comparison to Teavana’s Fig Rose… The latter isn’t spiced like this one, but they seem kind of similar otherwise.

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

Urghhh… I just got home from Central Canada Comic Con with extra money from what I’d budgeted. I was looking to spend that on the teas I was interested in from the new DAVIDsTEAs released, but it seems like the general consensus in not favourable for the three I was interested in (this being one of them, and then White Chocolate Frost, and the Gingerbread Rooibos).

TeaLady441 11 years ago

I’d get a little bit of those three – it seems like they were the better ones. I liked the gingerbread, and this was good although it doesn’t give me as many cups as I’d like. White Chocolate Frost was good but it’s a bit oily with weird green drops left on the mug? But it tastes good. So, why not try them? Just don’t buy too much, just in case!

TeaLady441 11 years ago

But Coffee Cake and Choconut are mostly nonononono

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1186 tasting notes

I’m back in my city after a weekend at the bfs parents, and I am having this tea as my first one back. I almost didn’t get this one, as it’s so darn heavy, 22g is enough for only 2 cups. Sigh. Well I wanted to try a fig tea, and it’s my second ever tea with almonds in it! I’m waiting to hear back from davidstea about the tree nuts in alpine punch before trying it (if it’s just almonds ill be good, for those who don’t know, I have a severe peanut allergy and have only tried tried almonds for nuts lol).

Anyways, dry this smells mildly sweet, a bit of a fruity cranberry scent. I used about 2.5 davidstea perfect spoons, got one yesterday!, and steeped for 7 minutes to get flavor. The steeped smell is fruity and very clovey.

As for taste, I was leery due to the almonds, but did the skin test and it it seems to be okay. So taste… I don’t mind this at all, it’s not nearly as clovey (phew) but they are there, along with a myriad of fruits. Oh, and when it was hotter, there was a stronger cake note… Yes, I actually got cake in it! Still there a bit, I think it’s the almonds and cloves making it present. So I do get a figgy pudding vibe from this lol, I am pleased! I’m not sure what the figs are in it, but it tastes appropriately festive.

Overall, not a bad tea, but much too heavy dry for me to ever purchase again haha. It doesn’t taste ok though, but not worth the cost unfortunately. I’ll rate 75 due to cost and that it’s not spectacular, but it is not bad.

JustJames 11 years ago

MISSLENA!!! i very rarely buy from david’s BECAUSE THEY ARE SO BAD FOR MAINTAINING A GUARANTEED INGREDIENTS LIST. i rarely write with caps, it makes my hand hurt appallingly, i have allergies….. if you do too then be VERY careful with this vendor!

mrs.stenhouse12 11 years ago

Thanks for the heads up! I am pretty careful with them, any that I am worried about I message them on Facebook and they have always gotten back to me :) I should be safe with peanuts at least, none of their teas contain those, but I still am cautious with hazelnuts and other tree nuts. I will keep watching though!

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown! Well sort of, there was about a tsp left so I gave it to my roommate to eat. This blend makes water cloyingly sweet but doesn’t add any flavor. It went down the drain.

Boiling 8 min or more
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MissB 11 years ago

Same here when I had the 10g or so DT sent me with my last order. It’s too bad, it was a great idea for a tea.

VariaTEA 11 years ago

It also smelled really great but it just does not taste good.

TeaNecromancer 11 years ago

Tragic! The hunt for a fig tea that tastes like fig continues

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286 tasting notes

I was so excited to try this blend – I thought it would be my favourite go-to flavour. Sadly, it is sorely lacking flavour. Am very disappointed.

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Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I hate when that happens!

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

Did you just try this from a sample or did you order and ounce or two? I ask, because even though it is a disappointment to you
(If you have leftovers ) I wouldn’t mind purchasing some from you.
I afore figs in cookies and this sounds so enchanting to me :-)

CelebriTEA 11 years ago

Adore not afore..lol…sometimes I tend to type dyslexic

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1445 tasting notes

Lots, of cloves, a little apple, minimal figs, and a dash of vanilla makes for a strange kind of spicy sugar water, not thick enough to be a cake. It isn’t amazing but I’ll finish it off easily enough. I might even grab a hot cup to go, if the fancy strikes me and I’m passing by.

I really want cider now.

Unlike Banana Nut Bread, it’s almost too sweet to be eaten like a trail mix (the clove note is not prominent when dry). The Figs and dates are delicious though.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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1792 tasting notes

The aroma of the dry “leaf” drew me right in. The first time I had this, I had a difficult time pegging down what exactly the scent reminded me of, but then I inched closer and the best I could do was think of this as a cross between gingerbread and fruitcake.

But now that I’m down to the last cup, I’ve realized that this also has a hint of my grandma’s date squares. So it’s something along the lines of those desserty things.

Steeped, it falls a little short for me, though. I’m picking up on the apple, followed by the cinnamon, and then dried fruits. I don’t really get fig, but rather, a combination of dates and raisins (even though there are no raisins in here).

I’m glad I only picked up 14g. It’s worth the experience but not worth having around.

MissB 11 years ago

It’s such an expensive tea, too. I got a tiny sampler in my online order, and it literally gave me 5 granules of something. Even half a cup of water to steep it gave me watery raisin juice. I had such high hopes!

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37 tasting notes

So, I had this for the first time the other day and hated it. I won’t bother going into all the reasons why again, but today I decided I’d try mixing it with some Forever Nuts.

I like it much better this way. Forever Nuts is definitely adding more flavor to the cup, but I can actually taste the Spiced Fig more today then I could the other day when I brewed it by itself. Its still not my favorite, but I think I’ll finish off the last little bit I have of it this way.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
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VariaTEA 11 years ago

I am glad you found a way to make it drinkable. I ended up just letting my roommate eat the blend because it was doing no good as a tea.

Yvonne 11 years ago

One of the employees kept pushing this on me one time I went. Glad I didn’t cave and buy it…I can’t stand herbals anyways.

Pandeme 11 years ago

Good choice on not getting it Kinsa, and me too VariaTEA. Letting your roommate eat it though, not a bad idea lol.

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1184 tasting notes

Nope, I don’t like this. It tastes like very bad fruitcake, and I am not really a fan of fruitcake

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Aimee Popovacki 11 years ago

Agree. They have had much better fig blends in the past.

tigress_al 11 years ago

And way too expensive because it is really heavy

Aimee Popovacki 11 years ago

yeah! because of that, i’ve only gotten to go cups of it.. it kind of reminds me of the banana nut bread one from the fall last year… it was so heavy too!

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125 tasting notes


I got this as a sample with my latest DT order and after reading the reviews I was curious to try a cup of my own.

I don’t really know what to say… My cup was lacking of much flavour. There was so little in the sample packet I don’t even know if I had enough for a cup to be honest.

I steeped it for 5 minutes and the resulting liquid was pale yellow with strong scent of cloves. Taste wise though, there wasn’t much. After a lot of sipping, closing my eyes and meditating to try and bring some flavours forth, I think I detected an apple.

Honestly I think I would need twice the amount I had available to make it a worthwhile cup. I think I see a potential but unfortunately I won’t know for sure because I won’t be purchasing any time soon. If DT sends me couple of samples in the future, I will combine them into one cup and give it another shot.

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