
Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Cinnamon, Currants, Ginger, Green Rooibos, Honeybush, Pineapple, Rooibos, Safflower Petals
Artificial, Honey, Molasses, Cinnamon, Cloves, Clove, Ginger, Cookie, Nutmeg, Cake, Spices, Maple, Butter, Caramel, Rooibos
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Irina
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 5 g 12 oz / 342 ml

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119 Tasting Notes View all

  • “A Gingerbread latte seemed like an awesome idea in theory, although in practice I made one hell of a mess in my kitchen. I don’t really have “proper” latte making equipment so I microwave my milk...” Read full tasting note
  • “Second cup of the day. I was very excited to try this tea as I love ginger and really like sugar and spice, which tastes like gingerbread to me, and I’m generally a fan of rooibos, especially green...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had a cup of this tonight while watching World War Z – overall not a bad cup of tea. I don’t get the red velvet cake that others do, instead this is just a decent ginger-ish sort of rooibos tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had one rollercoaster of a day. Barely slept last night worrying about this morning’s presentation and gathering the courage to talk to my supervisor about one of my papers. Then ended up crying...” Read full tasting note


Rich rooibos and sweet honeybush mingle with the warm, comforting aromas of ginger, cinnamon and molasses. Just like mom used to make…

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

119 Tasting Notes

16956 tasting notes

A Gingerbread latte seemed like an awesome idea in theory, although in practice I made one hell of a mess in my kitchen. I don’t really have “proper” latte making equipment so I microwave my milk to hot temperatures, though this time my milk ‘exploded’ in my microwave creating one hell of a mess.

Anyway, 10 oz. mug of really fucking hot milk steeped with a little more than 1 1/2 tsp. of leaf for about 7 minutes.

In hindsight, I should have used more leaf because while this is still pretty yummy, it’s also relatively weak. Anyway, it’s sort of like drinking a weak version of a liquid gingerbread cookie (gingerbread dipped in milk, anyone?). The molasses and sweet ginger notes come through and are pleasant enough but the whole thing is pretty gentle, and I wanted a bit stronger flavour at the moment.


Sounds like a mess indeed! I don’t have any equipment like frothers either, so my idea of a latte is just pouring milk or half and half into my mug.


I thought about a Gingerbread Latte for days when I got my milk frother but kept forgetting. Then when I finally made it, I was not nearly as impressed as I was with some other lattes. Birthday Cake lattes are pretty tasty.


Lol at milk explosion, that happens quickly, doesn’t it…

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1186 tasting notes

Second cup of the day. I was very excited to try this tea as I love ginger and really like sugar and spice, which tastes like gingerbread to me, and I’m generally a fan of rooibos, especially green rooibos. So I picked up 20g of this yesterday.

The dry smell is nice and ginger and a bit of cinnamon. Very nice. I brewed it for 5 minutes, and the steeped smell is so familiar… I figured it out. A mixture of birthday cake by davidstea and coco chai rooibos also by davidstea. Not a fan of the birthday cake smell at all, much too sugary.

Flavor… Ehhh, not my favorite. I get a watered down birthday cake with some ginger and maybe pineapple. Thankfully its not as cloying as birthday cake, not as sweet. It’s similar to Della terras pineapple upside down cake, but different. There’s a lot of flavors going on actually, tough to discern what it is. The aftertaste has brown sugar and fruitiness. It’s not bad the more I sip, but not gingerbread to me. I much prefer sugar and spice for a gingerbread flavor.

Overall, a weird tea. Not much rooibos flavor, it is very masked. But I will need to have a few more cups before I figure this one out. I had the same trouble with mint julep (spring collection) just too many things in it. I confess I’m a bit disappointed. Rating 79 for now.

ETA – Now I got a big mouthful of spice. What the heck. Tea, sort yourself out! I like some sips more than others even! And now that I read the description, yeah, there’s molasses in there. Weird though still. Don’t know what to think. I think I will add ginger to it when I’m home to make it actually gingery. Sigh.


I agree that sugar and spice is a perfect gingerbread tea!


Yes indeed :) my second batch I picked up of it has more fruit in it and not as much cinnamon, but still a million times more gingerbread-like than this one unfortunately.


I added a piece of candied ginger when I steeped mine. Takes it up a notch – so good!


That sounds like it would do the trick! I’m going to try fresh ginger, have some already, and hopefully it will help it out, this tea has potential to be awesome

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15575 tasting notes

I had a cup of this tonight while watching World War Z – overall not a bad cup of tea. I don’t get the red velvet cake that others do, instead this is just a decent ginger-ish sort of rooibos tea without being overly rooibosy. I only picked up enough for 2 or so Sil sized servings and that’s enough for me. it’s not amazing enough to warrant a larger purchase even if it is another ginger/non caffinated tea.

Boiling 7 min, 15 sec
Terri HarpLady

tony & I watched that movie a couple of hours ago!

Terri HarpLady

I think the previews made it look a lot scarier than it actually turned out to be


The book is AMAZING but the previews for the movie don’t seem to fit the book.

Terri HarpLady

I read the online info, about both the book & the movie, & of course, the storyline doesn’t follow the book exactly…does it ever? LOL


Tea Sipper – I really enjoyed the book too, so I wasn’t very excited about the movie based on the previews. I guess the movie is based on parts of the book? Seeing as the book is more episodic, following different people in different countries, instead of one smooth narrative, it doesn’t really make the best adaptation… It was entertaining enough, but don’t expect too much.

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1792 tasting notes

I had one rollercoaster of a day. Barely slept last night worrying about this morning’s presentation and gathering the courage to talk to my supervisor about one of my papers. Then ended up crying in front of her because my mom’s been ill, so after the school day was over, I thought I should get the new teas from David’s (and grab a bento box somewhere), and that’s what I did!

I passed on the Coffee Cake because it smells too similar to Red Velvet Cake, which is way too sweet. Some Steepsters are saying that this one smells like RVC too but I don’t get that. This smells like candied ginger and spices to me. It does have a cakey note too but it’s different to me. Crazy I bought a rooibos, eh? I normally don’t like them.

But this is nice! I feel like one of the odd ones out since most don’t seem to care for it. I normally despise rooibos for the usual reason: it tastes like wood. But here, the spices really mask that note, and bring a depth to the flavours without making it weird.

Would I buy more than the 10g? Not sure yet, but it won’t be that hard to finish, that’s for sure.


I find coffee cake isn’t as sweet as red velvet cake despite them both smelling exactly the same. This isn’t to say its not sweet just it is not as sweet since its sweetness comes from fruit as opposed to chocolate. Also I don’t get the similarity to red velvet cake either in this one.

Roswell Strange

I purchased a 20g sample of this, but haven’t tried it yet. I’m most interested in the fact this is supposed to be more “molasses” than “gingerbread” (I love molasses, but am really fickle about gingerbread since I typically don’t like most things with ginger in it unless it’s highly sweetened) – but the RVC comparison has me worried. RVC is probably my LEAST favourite DT blend I’ve ever tried.

Roswell Strange

Which is why I stayed away from Coffee Cake. I neither like coffee or RVC, so it really had nothing going for me at all.


I saw HUGE similarities between Coffee Cake and RVC, but I didn’t find the gingerbread rooibos to be as cakey. It didn’t have that weird taste that the Cake teas did, so you might be ok.


When I steeped whole in milk it came across a little cakey, but didn’t get that out of the plain water steep. The aroma is still on the verge of becoming cloying for me though, although not quite there like Coffee Cake and RVC.


This didn’t remind me at all of RVC andI liked this one, so we’re in the same boat incendiare! Heh


Sorry about the coaster effect. Hope a new day brings a little hope and serendipity.


Add a couple pieces of candied ginger while it steeps. :) Soooo good!


Thanks, gmathis. :)

Red Velvet Cake has been one of my least favourites too, and it was even more painful since I purchased the 100g LE tin. Shudder. But I’m glad to read all the confirmations that Coffee Cake is very similar.

Extra candied ginger sounds like a stupendously awesome idea!

Roswell Strange

Painful for me too. I, as well, bought a 100g tin of it. My roomie drinks it a lot though, because he knows I dislike it (and therefore knows he’s not drinking something I have plans for) – so I’m down to about 70g now…


Poor guy! Does he at least mildly enjoy it? I had to mix mine with other black teas, like H&S Florence to calm the sweetness down. And that red scum ring. Geez.


I bought some Gingerbread today on this recommendation, and the staff member told me this was her favorite of the holiday teas, by far. Said she let it “steep forever”, which she prefers to the shorter brewing time. Also grabbed some Red Velvet Cake, only to see what the horrid hubbub is about. ;)

Roswell Strange

He adds so much sugar to whatever he drinks that I swear he’s just tasting hot sugar water regardless of the blend. We’re talking AT LEAST a tbsp. (typically two, though) of sugar… That’s why he’s forbidden from drinking some of the teas in the house, and when he asks for “whatever” when I offer to make him tea I give him something I either strongly dislike or am trying to use up. It drives me crazy how much sugar he adds to his tea (without even tasting it first to see if it needs to be sweetened – he just blindly adds sugar). But with RVC I really don’t care – I just want to free up the tin it’s in.

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6444 tasting notes

In hopes of getting some sipdowns to rein in my cupboard just a bit before I get my BF orders, I decided to have this tea. After this cup, I have enough leaf left for just one more and though I am not too heartbroken, I might miss it every now and then. It is sweet and bread-y but not gingerbread. I could be completely off but I imagine this might be similar to what fruit cake tastes like – sweet, fruity, bread-y and with a very, VERY slight hint of spice. A nice treat for a relaxing evening.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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1598 tasting notes

Oh! OMG.

The secret to this tea is to brew 10oz of this tea, then mix a combo of 6 more oz Gingerbread Kahlua and milk.

I am in love!


Oh wow. That sounds amazingly decadent. Gingerbread Kahlua?!


Yeah! We saw it in the liquor store today and I had to take it home! They also had a peppermint one, but… this was a no-brainer.


I am so looking for this the next time I’m at the liquor store. Wowza. That, with this tea, and some of OMGsrsly’s maple whipping cream… yowza!

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2291 tasting notes

A sipdown I can’t even note in my Steepster cupboard, because for some reason the tea wasn’t in it!

Oh well.

Today it’s molasses cake. Not really gingery, but there are some spices in the background. I helped the molasses flavour along by adding 1/2 tsp brown sugar. Mmm.

I’d consider getting more of this, but I’d have to add a bunch of chopped up candied ginger for it to actually be *ginger*bread. :)

(Also: I “only” have 10 more rows of a cowl I started 4 or 5 years ago left to do. Yay? I want to finish now, but each row takes so long…)

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more

Woot! Getting a wip that’s been sitting there for years is such a good feeling. And it’s the perfect time of year to use it. :)


I meant to say getting a wip that’s been sitting there for year completed…


haha don’t you hate it when you’re all like SIPDOWN! oh wait..i never put it in my cupboard…crap.


Veronica, the only problem is I don’t have enough yarn for the 3.5 repeats of the pattern! Tiny cowl!

Sil, exactly. And I JUST updated my cupboard so where did I go wrong?!


Lol. I just found some Blueberry Fruit tea from Teavivre I had stashed away in a tin somewhere and forgotten about it. Woopsie!


:) Just drink it… no one will ever know! Oh, wait. :D

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709 tasting notes

Hubby and I picked up some of this one yesterday while indulging in a day of treats. Haircut, record store sale, leftover Halloween candy, new clothes – and most of it on discount or gift cards, yay! Then groceries, homemade beef stroganoff, some GTA V online and tv shows before an extra-long sleep. Today is reading, chili making and relaxing all around. Maybe a game of Doctor Who themed Monopoly? Great weekend!!

Anyway, this is one I was interested in but not holding a lot of hopes for because after 3 or 4 years of drinking tea I am finally finding myself disenchanted with rooibos and honeybush blends. Nonetheless, we gave it a go. It is actually pretty tasty, and does much better at lukewarm than hot BUT it is not gingerbread. This is molasses cookies, guys. Gingerbread is a ginger pow with a hint of molasses. Molasses cookies are the opposite and that is what we have here. I want more ginger flavour, and it is sorely lacking. Very sweet and accurate on the molasses though, so that is something. If they had named this correctly I think I would like it a bit more but as it is I don’t see myself buying more.

Hot tips: drink this lukewarm or cold for the best taste, and don’t expect much by way of ginger and you’ll be a happy chappy. For once, the beau and I both had the exact same taste results.


That sounds like an awesome weekend.

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1445 tasting notes

This smells a lot like the Red Velvet Cake blend, with a flick of spice to it. I made up a cup yesterday, steeped in almond milk. It yielded an exceptionally sweet, rich cup, even if it was a bit bland.

Today I decided to throw in some raw ginger into the steeper and take it without milk. The cakey creaminess is still present but there is a load of fruit that I didn’t notice before. The pineapple and currants are definitely apparent. Maybe there’s more zing to it today, from the extra ginger (and the pineapple?). The whole citrus cream rooibos thing makes me think of Della Terra’s Lime Chiffon.

In the finish I do get some delicious cinnamon spiced gingerbread cookies. I wish it was more pronounced and spiced.

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

I’m gonna have to try this once I get back home after my trip next week.

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1501 tasting notes

The smell of his tea, both prior to and after steeping, is just like that other stuff I tried the other day… someone remind me… brain turn on… it smelled like pancake syrup, even though many people here mistakenly called it maple syrup. Yep, this is almost identical.

This tastes very similarly. To be frank, I swear it’s the same tea. It’s not, because this is a whole different bag that actually says, “Gingerbread.” So unless the gal at DAVID’s made a boo-boo… I can’t tell these apart.

EDIT: It was Birthday Cake. This must be the same tea, just mis-labelled. It’s just pancake syrup -turned tea. That’s all I taste.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

If there are sprinkles, it’s Birthday Cake. :/


That’s the weird part. Zero sprinkles. Everything else is identical. They look, smell and taste exactly the same to me.


That’s really weird. Now I have to investigate these teas when I get home!

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