Tim Finnegan's Wake-Up

Tea type
Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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15 Tasting Notes View all

  • “seriously, sometimes i want to kick steepster. it was giving me grief getting to this tea to post a note. This one is nearly gone, and i’m happy to say i’ve enjoyed this one from cuppa crew. Not...” Read full tasting note
  • “A really nice surprising cup of yum! My full review will post on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on Feb 2nd but for now here are some snippits: Tim Finnegan’s Wake-Up from Cuppa Crew Tea Company...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks, Sil! This one tasted pretty good, but then I said, “TO HECK WITH IT!” and doctored it up. A capful of whiskey, a large spoonful of honey, and I’m on my way to feeling better. Wow. Yum. And...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Sil for this sample! I love the name of this tea! I have a considerable amount of Irish blood from my Mom’s side & Cherokee from my Dads, so the results is a long family history of...” Read full tasting note

From Cuppa Crew Tea Company

Top’o’the’mornin’ our pasty Irish butts. If you need a kick with a kick to start your day (or wake you up after lunch), here’s your tea, good ma’am or sir.

We start with our hearty Irish Breakfast blend and add a drop of the craythur — Irish Cream (cream + Irish whiskey). The resulting cuppa is bold, creamy, sweet, and just reminiscent of a fine Irish whiskey. Feel the burn (in a fabulous way)! Uisce beatha (“water of life”), indeed.

The name of the blend is borrowed from an old Irish street ballad by the name of, “Finnegan’s Wake.”

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15 Tasting Notes

15588 tasting notes

seriously, sometimes i want to kick steepster. it was giving me grief getting to this tea to post a note. This one is nearly gone, and i’m happy to say i’ve enjoyed this one from cuppa crew. Not sure if they’re still around, as i haven’t seen them on steepster in a while but if they are, they’re a company i’d be willing to re-order from. They have excellent customer service and i’ve enjoyed the teas of their that i’ve tried. this one has grown on me a bit as well as i’ve had it. :)

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807 tasting notes

A really nice surprising cup of yum!
My full review will post on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on Feb 2nd but for now here are some snippits:

Tim Finnegan’s Wake-Up from Cuppa Crew Tea Company tastes like a good merlot in my opinion. There is not a thing wrong with that! It’s no surprise it is after all an Irish inspired blend and since I have Irish blood in me I think I am politically clearned to say the Irish do love their alcohol although not necessarily wine. Okay now if I have not offended everyone I will continue. Alright so maybe my Irish blood is not thick enough for a stout whisky and perhaps this is spot on for Irish Whisky but to me I keep tasting that wine note, although I am far more partial to wine than whiskey. I hope my ancestors are not turning over in their graves.

The dry leaf is pretty with sprinkles of purple, and gold color from the calendula, and cornflower, and it has a lovely aroma. The steeped leaf expands to at least twice its size. I would not say it is a CTC but not entirely full leaf either. Beyond that description I really can’t say exactly what type of leaf this is, only that it tastes great! (note Cuppa Crew’s post cleared this up for me: “We use only orthodox tea leaves in both our standard Irish Breakfast and in Tim Finnegan’s Wake-Up, so the texture of the leaves is beautiful and consistent. We also like the somewhat mellower flavor of the full leaf versus a CTC blend.”

The folks at Cuppa Crew are awesome people with in my opinion a good sense of humor and good nature. I enjoy reading their web site and blog with the quirky sense of humor and antidotes.

Key notes in this cup are: Creamy, Wine like, Rich, Slightly Floral, Hardy, Robust, and Malty

Denise @ Nature's Tea Leaf

You had me at cup of yum…


Haha thanks that does sound sort of funny now that I think about it … the mind wanders and ponders ….. :)


What a tea name. My husband is Tim Finigan. I will have to try and get some of this for him to try just based on that alone.


No way!!! How cool is that! Yes you absolutely need to get him some haha! Be sure you let the guys at Cuppa Crew know its for TIM FINNEGAN himself because they wrote a little note on the back of my package (what the tea came in) so it would be cool to have the note made out to your hubby! :)


They don’t seem to ship to Canada :( I will email them later to see if I can. They frown on me shopping for tea at work for some reason.


Haha I bet they do frown upon that :) Yeah I would email then and see what can be arranged – you can always get someone here to send it to you if you have it sent to them – I have done that a lot for people.

Cuppa Crew

Thank you for the super kind words!

Cattibrie - shoot me an e-mail at johncuppacrew.com — we’ll work something out!


That is awesome of you to do for Cattibrie!
And your welcome! Great tea!


I have to confess, I do love whisky…


Oh you may really want to get some of this then. I have never had a tea quite like it!

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2291 tasting notes

Thanks, Sil!

This one tasted pretty good, but then I said, “TO HECK WITH IT!” and doctored it up. A capful of whiskey, a large spoonful of honey, and I’m on my way to feeling better.

Wow. Yum.

And yes, I do have to go to work this afternoon, thanks for asking. ;)

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec

lol! there’s the spirit!


Now I’m sipping an innocuous infusion of brown sugar and ginger at work. :) Another hour, and I can go home!




It worked! It was delicious! Totally making it again tomorrow morning. :)


This one grew on me…I’m sad I can’t get it anymore


Betjeman et Barton has an Irish whiskey tea, although you have to fill out ALL the info to find out how much shipping is. I hadn’t seen the flavour before.

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3294 tasting notes

Thank you Sil for this sample!
I love the name of this tea! I have a considerable amount of Irish blood from my Mom’s side & Cherokee from my Dads, so the results is a long family history of alcoholism on both sides, LOL. Of course, this tea is alcohol free, with the flavor if Irish Whiskey, but honestly, I didn’t taste it. It’s a fairly bold blend, somewhat astringent, with a bright & fruity high end. A good start to my day!


what’s sad about this? I still haven’t tried it myself lol

Terri HarpLady

LOL! Better get on it then!


Nothing like a shot of alcohol-free whiskey in the morning haha.

Terri HarpLady

That’s right!

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6768 tasting notes

Azzrian thanks for this one! I really enjoyed it! I had about 3 cups worth.

It was Irishy-creamy-floral-semi-brash but in a good way, and an all around lovely cuppa!

Hardy yet Malty end sip! My favorite part, I think!


Glad you liked it!


Irish cream tea?!?


Love the use of the word irishy :-)


I’d get it for the name alone :)

Cuppa Crew

Thanks for the kind words!

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4843 tasting notes


Thank you Azzrian for sending me some of this tea. This is a deliciously bold tea. Pleasant and invigorating! Just what I needed to get going!

Nice Irish cream flavor to this, and I like the way the malty tones of the tea mingle with the sweet, creamy notes of the Irish Cream. This is a really yummy cuppa!

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94 tasting notes

This is a powerful cup of tea! If you’re not awake when you brew this tea you will be by the time you’re halfway through the first cup. You can really taste the Irish bit.

Also very strong tea, I got 3 cups out of one teaspoon of leaves and it’s only just starting to weaken.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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2 tasting notes

Irish Breakfast was what got us into the tea business to begin with, so it’s only appropriate that our first custom in-house flavored blend is an Irish Breakfast with a twist.

We use only orthodox tea leaves in both our standard Irish Breakfast and in Tim Finnegan’s Wake-Up, so the texture of the leaves is beautiful and consistent. We also like the somewhat mellower flavor of the full leaf versus a CTC blend.

Tim Finnegan’s Wake-Up produces a bold, somewhat malty, and fairly astringent cuppa. The Irish Cream flavor, complete with just a bit of the familiar tingle at the back of the throat, is complimentary but not overwhelming.

We definitely recommend a drop of milk or cream and a sugar or two to really open up the flavors and temper the edge of this bad boy.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

Love the name of this tea. My husband is Tim Finigan. I need to get some of this for him to try. It sounds like a tea he would love.

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4 tasting notes

Well I’m still somewhat new to tea but I have been drinking various Irish Breakfast teas for over a year now, always with milk and sugar. I had also started experimenting with adding Irish Cream and Irish whiskey into my tea. This taste very similar and very good. I can pick up some creamy grape/wine type notes but I have had a thing for Irish whiskey and the notes of it in this tea smacks me in the nose and my taste buds. Just wondering when I can start buying this by the pound? Slainte!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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1629 tasting notes

Again another tea that I’ve waited so long to review. I am almost done with my bag of tea! I love the colorful leaves mixed in with this black tea. I smell the slight berry flavor on the dry leaf. Steeped, it is a nice, dark brew. This is quite a strong tea! It definitely is great for the morning. The flavor is slightly malty with some astringency to it. It doesn’t need additives though. It is good on its own. I love the slight berry flavor it has as well. Yum!

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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