Steamed Purple Green

Tea type
Green Tea
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Butter, Spinach, Chestnut, Flowers, Grass, Plum, Toasted, Asparagus
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by SJBP
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 4 g 12 oz / 346 ml

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Our Steamed Purple Green utilizes steamed leaves from the purple tea varietal. This varietal was propagated by grafting and cutting as opposed to seeding. This particular varietal is known as TRFK 306/1 and is rich in anthocyanin (a flavonoid), which pigments the leaves a purplish hue. Our Steamed Purple Green originates from the Mount Kenya tea region in Kenya. Tea is grown at 5,000 to 7,000 feet above sea level in this region, where the soil is rich with minerals. Our Steamed Purple Green has a predominantly grassy flavor, though some asparagus and Brazil nut notes are also detectable. This tea finishes with strong cherry and grapefruit notes and is primarily sweet, grassy, and tart. To eliminate the tartness increase the amount of water or decrease the temperature. While the grassy quality of this tea is reminiscent of a Sencha, this tea is also is quite unique in a way that is unlike any other green tea.

Ingredients: Purple Kenyan Green Tea

Recommended Brew Time: 2 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F

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14 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

First tasting note! Thank you Stacy for including a sample of this with my recent order :)

Fans of sencha, this tea is for you! Smooth and sweet and grassy without being bitter or overly astringent, this tea does have strong asparagus notes, and a tart cherryish taste too. SO GOOD I am loving it!


oooh, this sounds yummy


I love how complex it is…so much going on here :)

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3294 tasting notes

I got half an oz of this with my last Butiki order, so that I could sample it more than once, so I’m drinking a cup now. It’s different from the other greens I now, starting out gentle & sweet, & finishing a little on the tart edge. As it cools, I’m definitely getting the cherry & grapefruit references.

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257 tasting notes

The liquor does have a purplish-mauve hue and looks like a plum!
The flavor is sweet and plum-like as well. This doesn’t taste like any green tea I’ve had that’s for sure!!!
I’m enjoying this with a lunch of Bok Choy, Lemongrass, and herbs that I stir-fried up.
Thank u Terri H for this sample!!!

Flavors: Plum

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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149 tasting notes

Mellow, wonderful green tea with tasting notes of buttered spinach. I was lucky to find I still had some!

Flavors: Butter, Spinach

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5 tasting notes

This is my first intro to Butiki teas, as I received this from someone’s stash. Im not usually a fan of green teas, but want to give them more of a try. This tea is unique due to its purple hue. The leaves remind me of black tea, but once steeped, you get a brownish purple hue. It has a wonderful aroma and when I took my first sip, thought this was good. After taking a few sips, it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.

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378 tasting notes

Finally trying this purple green tea. :) The dry leaves are quite dark, look more like black tea than anything else. Once steeped, they look a bit greener. The tea liquor is kind of a light brown, looks almost like a darker oolong or maybe a really light black tea. But then it smells and tastes very green. :) I’m getting more of a spinachy than grassy flavour, with a lovely creamy mouthfeel that makes it kind of like spinach cooked in butter. Definitely some astringency building as I get down to the bottom of the cup, a real drying sensation on the sides of my mouth, but it’s not bitter or unpleasant. It’s a pretty good, fairly robust green tea, but not the sort of thing that I crave very often.

Flavors: Butter, Spinach

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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1379 tasting notes

This arrived in my last sniff, sniff Butiki order as part of the mystery package and I was over the moon. I LOVE PURPLE TEA! Not fussy about which type as long as it’s purple.

The leaves are rather small and dark, not completely purple coloured but almost, with some brown there too. They smell grassy yet spicy and floral.

Once steeped the resulting liquid is dark honey coloured and matches it’s raw scent nicely.

Flavour is of medium strength with grass, peony, chestnut and plum with some astringency and sweetness. Also is a little dry at times. Despite the touch of astringency it is very easy to drink, it’s even creamy at times and slips down very well.

Green tea is not simple, in my opinion you have the grassy and light greens, you have the dark almost toasty greens, you have the umami Japanese greens and you have the super sweet Cloud Mist style greens. That is the basics of what I go by when it comes to green tea. This Steamed Purple Green is in between being grassy/light and dark/toasty. Think of it as lightly toasted grass that is neither too dark nor light and that is the basis for this green. Plus with the added flavours, makes this one a winner for me. Not perfect but damn fine!

Plus thanks to trying this one last week I also know it re-steeps rather well.

Flavors: Chestnut, Flowers, Grass, Plum, Toasted

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 15 sec 5 g 20 OZ / 600 ML

I have this coming with my last Butiki order, and I’m really excited to try it! I’ve never had a purple tea before… You have me even MORE excited to try it now. :D


You are in for a treat!

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1758 tasting notes

This tea is good, not overly vegetal like many green teas. While it is steamed, it tastes a little like a Hojicha Green Tea. My initial thought was roasted. There is something of a grassy flavor but mostly I would describe the flavor as roasted, even though I don’t think it is.

I steeped this once (so far) in an 8oz teapot with 1.5 tsp leaf and 175 degree water for 2 min.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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123 tasting notes

Okay, this is another Butiki green that’s leaving me scratching my head. I’m getting some grassy, sencha-like, and nutty notes, but nothing resembling smooth, sweet, tart, or fruity. Now that the cup has cooled, it’s mostly charred green vegetables but rather bitter and astringent and not especially pleasant. What is it with my water here? I generally like green tea, but for some reason the unflavored Butiki greens are really hit-or-miss for me.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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6444 tasting notes

This has cooled down quite a but because my sister was having a relationship crisis that she wanted to talk about. Cool, this tastes vegetal but not in the same way that most greens taste. Instead, it actually tastes like vegetables in liquid form with a but of underlying astringency. It isn’t bad but nothing I feel compelled to stock either. Thank you Sil for the sample. I look forward to seeing what Cavocorax has to say about this blend.


figured it would be an interesting for you guys to try since you tend to feel about greens the way i do. this one was a little unique so wanted to share :)


When I opened the package I was definitely shocked to see almost black tea but it all made sense after it steeped and the leaves came out green

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