Ice Cream Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Not available
Cream, Creamy, Vanilla, Vegetal, Artificial, Custard, Malt, Smooth, Sweet, Butter, Cake, Grassy, Rich, Caramel, Honey, Sweet, Warm Grass
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
145 °F / 62 °C 0 min, 15 sec 1 g 8 oz / 243 ml

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From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Our Ice Cream Matcha has combined everyone’s favourite summer treat with the nutrient and antioxidant superfood powder. Try it iced or hot and it’s awesome with milk!

Ingredients: Japanese Matcha Green Tea, Carob Powder, Natural Flavouring

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20 Tasting Notes

2172 tasting notes

I is for… Ice Cream Matcha.

Unlikely green and
Cream and warmth, contradictions
Abound! Swirl, sip, soothe.

For National Haiku Day.

Another sample from my Mix ‘n’ Matcha set, and I’m loving it! It tastes similar to the Mermaid matcha (going from memory here), so I think I’d like to try them side by side to see how they differ. James says he likes this one better, so it looks like I’m going to be getting a full size later on. Interestingly, he thought it tasted like coconut and vanilla and said it reminded him of the beach. I guess they do sell ice cream at the beach, so it works!

8 OZ / 236 ML
Mastress Alita

I have always really liked this one, as well!

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15596 tasting notes

blech. i seem to be in the minority with this one but did not like when i had it a few days ago. Just not up my alley and i’m not sure why. thanks for the share VariaTEA!


I desperately wanted to like this, but I absolutely hated it every time I tried it. It just tastes like butter water to me.

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379 tasting notes

Been back to matcha crazy lately. That’s practically all I drank for years. One of the reasons is our USPS in our area has been very poor and I can’t order tea unless I have time to go track it down at the post office. This one had to be shipped twice, the first was shipped back without any notification… Etc. I understand that the USPS is under a lot of stress right now. Without going political, I’ll leave it at that. :P

So, long story longer… I still have a lot of matcha from over the years that I’ve been drinking and can always get more from Amazon which uses it’s own delivery people. I hope things get worked out soon.

I have not had this ceremonial style aka straight. I have only had it as a latte and with oat milk, this is now, one of my faves now. Creamy, tastes like ice cream but not sweet (thank goodness), vegetal, it’s just really really good to me. I saw there were mixed reviews so sometime soon, I’ll try it straight. So keep that in mind, when you read this review.

I used 2 tsp of it, add 240ml oat milk, 100 ml water, lots of ice. Even as it melts, it just tastes so rich and creamy.

If I disappear for a week or two, it’s because I can not log into Steepster. I was just able to get back in today (again).

Flavors: Cream, Creamy, Vanilla, Vegetal

Iced 0 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 11 OZ / 340 ML

Oh gosh, since the last time I was commenting about usps in your tasting note, I didn’t know how dire the situation actually was for the entirety of usps and it is stressing me out. Now I’m seeing all these puzzle pieces fit together and it all seems like some conspiracy theory that I will vaguely mention is [virus + masks + mail in voting]. But I will stop now to not seem like a crazy person. For me it has absolutely nothing to do with Dem/Rep. A president shouldn’t be doing these shenanigans. Hopefully everything works out. Please America. Please.


Oh, but it looks like there is SOME good news about usps today anyway.


tea-sipper To your first comment 100% with you. I heard of the good news, however, although DeJoy was forced to backpedal for now, he won’t commit to fixing the damage that he’s already done. What a mess :(. I know some senior citizens who are not getting their checks and prescriptions. Ugh.

Cameron B.

Miss you dear! Hope you are well! :)

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6444 tasting notes

I had this in my smoothie yesterday and it was delightful but I forgot to write about it…oops.

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 239/365!

Free sample from Bird & Blend in my last order – thanks! I’m not a drinker of straight matcha, though I did try this without anything added first. You could definitely tell that it wasn’t plain matcha as there was a nice creaminess to it, but it was still too bitter for my tastes (but I appreciated that there was no added sweetener!) I sweetened it with maple syrup and it was better, but still too strong – some milk made it perfect, though – nice and sweet and creamy. It blended together quite well even without much whisking (I’m lazy), which was also nice.

Not enough of an interesting flavour for me to buy (basically extra creamy, but I use milk in my matcha anyhow), but I think it worked pretty well.

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14 tasting notes

I do not like matcha. I have had very bad luck with it in the past: gritty, bitter, earth-flavored. The descriptions of this just sounded SO tempting that I risked a little on my last order and bought the smallest sample I could possibly get and now I’m calculating how soon I can afford to get a full-sized container because this stuff is DELICIOUS. I generally mix mine with almond milk, probably a tiny bit too much milk for the amount of matcha powder, but it makes for a very tasty homemade latte, nice and cool on a hot day when you want a break from straight iced tea.

1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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4332 tasting notes

Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 12

Halfway through! The pace feels about right to me this year, which is a first ha ha. Usually I’m either like “what, already?!” or “only halfway?!” XD

This tastes very similar to their Mermaid Matcha to me. It’s a French vanilla sort of ice cream, with a rich and custardy flavor. Almost cakey really, with a butteriness to it. Now I’m wondering if this and Mermaid are the same, they both have carob powder… Hmm…

Anyway, it’s not one I would buy as I tend to gravitate more toward fruity matcha, but still very enjoyable to have once in a while.

Flavors: Butter, Cake, Creamy, Custard, Grassy, Rich, Sweet, Vanilla

Iced 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Roswell Strange

I also think they’re the same, aside from the Butterfly Pea Flower.

Cameron B.

I just saw that you said the same thing in your note ha ha!

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1268 tasting notes

Holiday Tea-son! I’ve been going through some car hell, but I won’t bitch about that here. I’ve been using tea to try to cope, and have sipped down my Coconut French Toast with Cardamom Maple Syrup and my Gingerbread Orange in the last few days as a coping mechanism… at least I got some sipdowns out of it?

So today is the eighth tea from my advent calendar, Ice Cream Matcha. I’m glad to get matcha on a weekend, otherwise I probably would’ve saved it until then anyway (I don’t really have time to get out the milk frother and make a matcha latte before work). I have a small sampler tin of this one, but since I’m such a terrible tea hoarder, I actually haven’t tried it yet. Prepared the same as the last single-serve packet, mixing the matcha in 100ml 175F water in my frother, which I mixed with 200ml vanilla almond milk which I warmed and frothed separately in the frother.

I’m actually getting a very mellow, sweet grassy flavor from this one, beneath a very sweet, sharp, rich vanilla note, with just a hint of something that tastes a little like honey or caramel to me. It’s quite nice, and the vanilla almond milk I use to make my tea lattes compliments this one well, since it seems to be pushing that vanilla note and creamy element and really adding to that “French Vanilla ice cream” feeling. I did notice this one seemed quite thick and there were a few areas in my frother that didn’t seem to mix up quite well, but folks who hand-froth “the proper way” (I, admittedly, have still not learned to do it “the proper way” with a bamboo whisk) may not have that issue.


Flavors: Caramel, Cream, Creamy, Honey, Sweet, Sweet, Warm Grass, Vanilla

175 °F / 79 °C 1 g 10 OZ / 300 ML

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2238 tasting notes

I decided to use my last sachet of this one last night, since it feels like it’s been a long time since I drank any matcha. I used a recipe from Bird & Blend’s website that caught my eye – ice cream and sprinkles! It’s made with 1 cup of coconut milk and 1/2 cup water, heated together, with the addition of 1 tsp maple syrup…and sprinkles!

It tastes amazing! I wasn’t sure how coconut, maple, and the vanilla-heavy matcha would work together as a flavour combination, but they’re unexpectedly complementary. The end result is sweet (of course!), and deliciously creamy, with an undertone of coconut. I wondered whether the coconut would be overpowering, but it actually blends in really well. When the sprinkles melt, they add an extra liquid-sugar kind of sweetness that reminds me a little of ice cream syrup. As a whole, it’s just really, really good. I’d make this again without hesitation, but I’ll need to buy some more Ice Cream Matcha first!

Much needed deliciousness.

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16975 tasting notes

Adventageddon Day 12 – Tea 2/4

Another familiar matcha from Bird & Blend! I believe I’ve remarked as much before, but having this in such close proximity to the Mermaid Matcha from earlier in the advent really solidifies for me my opinion that these two matchas are identical aside from the butterfly pea flower in Mermaid. That heavily buttery vanilla cake flavour is pretty darn distinct tasting!! I actually prefer this one though; I know so many people love the blue gimmick but I don’t person think the value add from the colour is worth the slightly meal-y texture from the ground flowers.

Anyway! When I saw this I knew it was the perfect time to pull out the matcha icecream I’ve been sitting on since the start of advent season and make myself a rich, indulgent and oh so creamy matcha affogato! I added in a little scoop of vanilla icecream too for some extra richness, but all in all it was just an explosion of match decadence. Yum!

Today’s Advent Photos:

Song Pairing:

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