Taiwanese Dragonwell

Tea type
Green Tea
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Butter, Nutty, Spinach, Green
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Edit tea info Last updated by Magycmyste
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 15 sec 3 g 3 oz / 80 ml

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7 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I had just a small sample of this from a little swap I did a few months back. I found it to be a good and tasty dragonwell with a little bit more green-ness than others I’ve tried. This was...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve never had dragon well until now, and I’m pleasantly surprised. It has a nice buttery greens flavor with nutty overtones. The finish leaves you with a dryness to your mouth, which I enjoy in a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hooray, TheLastDodo sent me a nice pouch of this, and I bet it will tide me through till the spring harvest, so I won’t be dragonwell-less after all :) So this looks a bit different from the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yeah, I might have stayed up til 8 AM playing Minecraft, what of it? I have created the ultimate awesome, blending my computer area, my painting area, and my tea area was at first quite epic…but...” Read full tasting note

From Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company

Brand new offering from Beautiful Taiwan Tea Co. This is a very nice Dragonwell Green Tea grown by one of our farmers in Taiwan. We really like it. Technically, this is not a true Dragonwell as it’s not grown near the Dragonwell in Hangzhou, China. To be honest, there are a lot of problems in that area now and we feel much better offering you this tea, grown in the Dragonwell style in a very good area. Nutty, fresh and smooth we can’t wait for you to try this tea!

Varietal: Qingxin
Location: Sanxia
Elevation: This is a low elevation tea.
Harvest: Spring, 2015
Brewing: A heaping teaspoon of Dragonwell to 8oz. of 175 deg. water. Steep for 3-4 minutes. Strain and enjoy!

About Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company View company

Company description not available.

7 Tasting Notes

485 tasting notes

I had just a small sample of this from a little swap I did a few months back. I found it to be a good and tasty dragonwell with a little bit more green-ness than others I’ve tried. This was represented both in the flavor and the appearance of the leaves. They were a pretty dark forest-green, and the flavor was nutty with a bit of a spinachy vegetal note. The texture was pleasantly thick with a bit of a buttery feeling to it.

Flavors: Butter, Nutty, Spinach

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 15 sec 2 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

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8 tasting notes

I’ve never had dragon well until now, and I’m pleasantly surprised. It has a nice buttery greens flavor with nutty overtones. The finish leaves you with a dryness to your mouth, which I enjoy in a green.

Flavors: Butter, Green, Nutty

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 45 sec 4 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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672 tasting notes

Hooray, TheLastDodo sent me a nice pouch of this, and I bet it will tide me through till the spring harvest, so I won’t be dragonwell-less after all :)

So this looks a bit different from the dragonwells I’ve tried before. The leaves are REALLY long and they’re a dark jade green. The taste, though it still predominantly has that chicken broth note that dragonwell is known for, also has a slight floral aspect that you don’t normally see in this type of tea.

I think Teavivre’s buttery approach to dragonwell is still my favorite, but this is a very nice one, glad I got to try it :)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I agree, I love buttery dragonwells too. The one I am having right now from Silk Road is a little buttery, but I’m having it with purple potato and brown rice ramen, and the broth is a little spicy, so I think it is throwing off some of the notes I’m tasting. Though it is a very clean green tea, and it is cutting into the spice of the soup nicely.


Wow, sounds like some nice soup :)


It is! It’s from Lotus Foods. My grocery store carries it, but it is more of a brand you wood find in a healthy food store, tbh.

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921 tasting notes

Yeah, I might have stayed up til 8 AM playing Minecraft, what of it? I have created the ultimate awesome, blending my computer area, my painting area, and my tea area was at first quite epic…but with the inclusion of my Xbox 360 and a nice monitor and speakers, I have the ability to tea, paint, game, and watch videos at the same time. As one of my Instagram friends said, I never have to leave! I just need a tiny fridge, a small gas burner, and a bathroom and I really would never have to leave my bedroom.

Taking a break from my hard work of Minecraft and painting, teaing and writing…wait…to bring you today’s tea! We are looking at another tea from Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company, their Taiwanese Dragonwell. Now before you start going all ‘Amanda that is totally not really a Dragonwell’ shush, they admit that, but they also admit that the traditional growing region of that beloved flat green tea is a bit problematic, and you know, I love tradition, but as a blue-haired pseudo-mad scientist, I love experimenting and pushing the comfort barriers. This tea is a fine example of that, taking tradition and tweaking it to something new. Using the Qingxin varietal grown at a low elevation, this tea is processed to be like a Dragonwell, so time to see how it compares! Looking at the leaves, it looks like the lovechild between an Oolong and a Dragonwell, the leaves are flat and long…and also kinda huge and very richly green, going into this blind I admit I would have no idea what this tea is. The aroma of the sizable leaves is green and nutty! It smells like my much loved honey sesame candies (it is just honey, toasted sesame, and sugar…and highly addictive) with fresh turnip greens, bell peppers, and a touch of lima beans. I admit, there is a strong similarity to Dragonwell, like a sweeter version of it.

I decided to use my engagement gaiwan for these leaves, since the leaf size is a bit massive, plus it is pretty and needs to get more use! The aroma of the now soggy and very verdant leaves is more vegetal than the dry leaves, it blends green beans, turnips, turnip greens, bell peppers and a buttery finish. Mmm, buttery turnips, this tea is making me hungry. The liquid smells quite buttery and green, notes of bell pepper and green beans, lima beans and a touch of honey at the finish.

The lovechild between a Dragonwell and Oolong is such a fitting description. This is the most buttery smooth Green Tea I have ever had, seriously, it is intense! It starts out very sweet, sesame and honey explodes over my tongue, radiating from honey at the tip to sesame toastiness at the midtaste. This goes on a magical journey to lima beans at the finish.

Second steeping time! The aroma is, well, it is a but surprising, notes of salty butter and a touch of seaweed and spinach with a sesame finish, well that was fascinating! The taste starts intensely sweet again, so much sweet honey and sesame seeds, again it is a magical journey of buttery smoothness and sweet. Then the finish is lima beans and a bit of a lingering buttery aftertaste.

Third steeping, the aroma is a blend of butter, spinach, green beans, and a finish of honey sweetness. The mysterious and kinda awesome seaweed note from the previous steep is a ghostly memory. The taste and texture is still so very buttery, and so smooth, I find myself feeling a bit melty and relaxed, it is a nice feeling. The taste starts sweet and honey like and moves to sesame seeds and buttery lima beans and just the lightest note of green beans at the finish. So, how does it compare? You get the seal of approval from me, it is an unusual Dragonwell, but it has its own distinct personality, one that is delicious!

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2015/10/beautiful-taiwan-tea-company-taiwanese.html

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1113 tasting notes

This has to be the the most beautiful looking Dragon Well tea I have yet to see. There is fresh buds at the top and a few leaves per stem. While it looks beautiful, there is only a general green tea taste to it. What was nice about this was the three steeps I got out of it while I was outside :)

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199 tasting notes

Not sure if this is the dragonwell that came with the BTTC kickstarter, but my note goes here anyway :)
A very nice and light dragonwell with butter and chestnut notes. Delicious cup to start the morning.

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