Ancient Emerald Green

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaEqualsBliss
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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From Basic Tea

This long, wiry organic tea leaf comes from the Jing Mai village in Yunnan, China. This “emerald” green tea is famous for its full-bodied taste and lasting aroma, which can be infused two or even three times throughout the day. Steep 1 generous tsp. per 6 oz. cup for 3 minutes. ENJOY! 3.5 ounces $11.50

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4 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Tonight’s random tea sample courtesy of LiberTEAS :D

I selected this sample tonight by the laborious method of sticking my hand into the sample box and grabbing a pouch. I actually had to do this twice, because I told myself ‘no blacks’, and of course the first one I grabbed was some coconutty black of some sort. So here we are! A straight green sounded lovely for tonight.

No appreciable smells either dry or steeped.

Interesting – this is not what I was expecting. The tea is sweet and maybe a little nutty, but not at all vegetal. I guess I’ve become so accustomed to that flavour that it surprises me when it isn’t present. There’s a bit of green tea aftertaste, but it’s very subtle. I’m thinking I should have gone with a three minute infusion after all. For some reason I feel like I’m catching a bit of flavour that makes me think “stale”, but it may just be that I’m associating a certain flavour I’m tasting with something I tasted in another, older tea and attributed to staleness.

I’ll have to see how this one fares on a second infusion, but although it’s pleasant and nicely astringency-free, I don’t think it’s quite my sort of green tea – boiled veggie/seaweedy/grassy flavours seem to be more up my alley.

ETA: Second infusion, 175F/3min, is rather bleh. Some astringency, and similar flavours to the last cup. Still a nice aftertaste though.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

A few random thoughts in words or phrases about this tea…
not grassy
lingering sweet green aftertaste

gently buttered veggies

other thoughts
would drink again
maybe even often

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