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drank Ancient Emerald Green by Basic Tea
6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 294/365!

I guess I didn’t much like this when I first tried it? It was mediocre now, but I chalked that up to age (you got it, another 7+ year old specimen here). I mean, it wasn’t terrible, a bit metallic but behind that there was some decent flavour, but I didn’t resteep it, so there’s that. Anyhow, another tea that’s good to have finished off.

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drank Ancient Emerald Green by Basic Tea
6119 tasting notes

Meh. Another green tea that I’ve kept too long. Would be best used for an alternate purpose to drinking, but it’s not bad enough to toss.

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drank Ancient Emerald Green by Basic Tea
6119 tasting notes

Tonight’s random tea sample courtesy of LiberTEAS :D

I selected this sample tonight by the laborious method of sticking my hand into the sample box and grabbing a pouch. I actually had to do this twice, because I told myself ‘no blacks’, and of course the first one I grabbed was some coconutty black of some sort. So here we are! A straight green sounded lovely for tonight.

No appreciable smells either dry or steeped.

Interesting – this is not what I was expecting. The tea is sweet and maybe a little nutty, but not at all vegetal. I guess I’ve become so accustomed to that flavour that it surprises me when it isn’t present. There’s a bit of green tea aftertaste, but it’s very subtle. I’m thinking I should have gone with a three minute infusion after all. For some reason I feel like I’m catching a bit of flavour that makes me think “stale”, but it may just be that I’m associating a certain flavour I’m tasting with something I tasted in another, older tea and attributed to staleness.

I’ll have to see how this one fares on a second infusion, but although it’s pleasant and nicely astringency-free, I don’t think it’s quite my sort of green tea – boiled veggie/seaweedy/grassy flavours seem to be more up my alley.

ETA: Second infusion, 175F/3min, is rather bleh. Some astringency, and similar flavours to the last cup. Still a nice aftertaste though.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Organic Dian Hong by Basic Tea
4843 tasting notes

Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for sending me a generous portion of this tea!

This is a very lovely tea. When I first looked at the dry leaf, I thought I was looking at a well-fermented Oolong because the leaves are very twisted and reminded me a bit of a high quality Formosa Oolong.

The tea is interesting. It has notes of Yunnan but is much more even in flavor, like a Ceylon. It also has some malty tones to it like an Assam. It’s very flavorful and yet mellow. I like this very much.

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drank Organic Dian Hong by Basic Tea
788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: ~2 tsp
Water: hot spigot water
Tool: kati loose tea system (my Review here.)
Steep Time: a little over 2 minutes (
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: sweet, honey
Steeped Tea Smell: sweet
Flavor: sweet, fuzzy – it gives a fuzzy mouth feel
Body: Light
Aftertaste: astringent
Liquor: translucent light brown

A gift from TeaEqualsBliss, thank you.

I found this tea to be too mellow, light and subtle for me. It is surprisingly sweet.


2 min, 0 sec

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A few random thoughts in words or phrases about this tea…
not grassy
lingering sweet green aftertaste

gently buttered veggies

other thoughts
would drink again
maybe even often

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drank Hibiscus Dream by Basic Tea
6768 tasting notes

WARNING! WARNING! You REALLY have to like Hibiscus to like this one! Unfortunately I do NOT. So…I don’t think my review will be very fair…so…WARNING WARNING – my review is PURELY based on that. This just isn’t my cuppa. It might be more tolerable ICED but I’m TRYING to choke it down hot right now.

It’s a Purple Reddish Color…pretty but OVERLY Tarty. Ug. It’s WAY WAY WAY Hibiscus. Like Fish-face Tarty…pucker, pucker…add lemon and orange and there you have it.

I really wish I liked Hibiscus since there are a LOT of herbals out there…but…I just can’t.


Feel you didn’t put enough warnings on your review there ;) I’m also a fan of DANGER DANGER Will Robinson.


LOL @ Elyse :P


Sounds like it’s just right for me! Thanks for the review.


Blargh! Sounds nasty. >.<

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Another tea going to a good home…but I have to have another cup before doing so!

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The first time (just now) my water wasn’t warm enough at all – appliance malfunction…eeeek! So…I am going to throw that attempt out completely!

These leaves are CRAZY huge yet somewhat slender!It infuses very dark. It smells like a few other Yunnan’s or mellower Assam’s I have had before…

It’s a very smooth and mellow Assam type taste. I’m thinking this would pair lovely with anything chocolate! WOW! Not sure why…but that is all I can think about now…lol…

This is pretty good. I guess I was thinking it was going to be a more bolder taste but I appreciate the smoothness and think it’s a nice black tea!

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