Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Artisan du Vivant

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1 Tasting Note

16357 tasting notes

A very sweet gift from Marika!

I enjoyed this a lot! I’m not usually super into Labrador Tea (which seems to be the base), but everything else was so amazing that I ended up not thinking about the Labrador at all while drinking this. It reminds me heavily of another herbal blend I’ve had recently that I picked up from the Toronto Tea Festival, but I’m blanking on the name right now. Both were really fresh and forest-y with loves notes of spruce tips and “black licorice” that was really a mix of anise/fennel/etc. This one was almost a little bit creamy, but not excessively so. Just clean tasting, smooth, and of the earth. Definitely needs a long steep time though as many of the ingredients take some time to fully infuse.

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