
Tea type
Black Chai Fruit Blend
Black Tea, Cardamon, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Natural Cinnamon Flavor, Natural Ginger Flavor, Natural Spice Flavor, Orange
Cinnamon, Clove, Orange, Spices, Cardamom, Candy, Earth, Sweet, Orange Zest, Bitter
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by JulieWyant
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 13 oz / 374 ml

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34 Tasting Notes View all

  • “As per usual these days, I oversteeped this one. Thus it’s all clove, and my mouth has now gone numb. Silly me! Refusing to rate until I can do it justice.” Read full tasting note
  • “Well, this must be the complete opposite from the iced tea I just had. Christmas! On the hottest day of the year so far! Thank you for the sample, Shelley Lorraine! I was craving a poor man’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one tastes a little more like mulling spices than a tea, and I couldn’t taste the black tea at all. If my husband didn’t have a strange appreciation for it, it would be going straight into the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve had this for a while, and I’ve had it before, so I’m not sure why it isn’t logged yet. This definitely smells like a Christmasy blend to me. Spice blends always make me think of the holidays....” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

The tea to get you into the holiday spirit! This blend of bright, tangy Ceylon black tea flavored with warm cinnamon, pungent cloves, and orange peels is a Christmas delight. Spicy and fresh aroma, outdoorsy and cozy, with a balanced tangy flavor and a slightly sweet finish. Perfect to sip while decking the halls, being jolly, or dreaming of a white Christmas.

Ever since those Three Wise Men visited the manger to offer gifts of extraordinary spices to observe the birth of that very special child, in the heat of the desert or the cold of the snowy mountains have shared food and beverages made with similar spices as clove, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and the then-rare, and expensive, orange. Now grown in abundance, the orange was once the most sought-after holiday stocking stuffer in the U.S. and Europe. Oranges and costly spices can make even the poorest believer feel rich in spirit when consumed in a Christmas tea or tea punch.

Black Tea | High caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3 minutes.

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

34 Tasting Notes

1501 tasting notes

As per usual these days, I oversteeped this one. Thus it’s all clove, and my mouth has now gone numb. Silly me! Refusing to rate until I can do it justice.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec

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4300 tasting notes

Well, this must be the complete opposite from the iced tea I just had. Christmas! On the hottest day of the year so far! Thank you for the sample, Shelley Lorraine! I was craving a poor man’s blueberry crumble (blueberries sprinkled with graham crackers over the top. No, I have no idea what I was doing either.) So I thought I needed a cinnamon tea to go along with it.

This seems to be a chai blend with very little ingredients other than the black tea. But brewed, it seems to be quite clovey, no orange, not a ton of cinnamon. I’m not sure how it would taste much like chai if there is so very little chai ingredients. hmm. I like the tough Adagio black tea base. A bit brisk and astringent. I possibly steeped it too long crumbling the graham crackers. If you’re getting this tea for the ingredients it might be a disappointment. I don’t love this one from Adagio but I sure seem to love most of the others.

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254 tasting notes

This one tastes a little more like mulling spices than a tea, and I couldn’t taste the black tea at all. If my husband didn’t have a strange appreciation for it, it would be going straight into the swap pile!

Read the full review here:

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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448 tasting notes

I’ve had this for a while, and I’ve had it before, so I’m not sure why it isn’t logged yet. This definitely smells like a Christmasy blend to me. Spice blends always make me think of the holidays. Unfortunately, this doesn’t taste quite like it smells. I’m not really picking up much cinnamon in the flavor. I can get the orange flavor, but mostly this is just a bit bitter and there isn’t really anything that particularly stands out or is very nice about it. If it tasted more like it smells, I think I would enjoy it more. Would adding my own cinnamon help?

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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358 tasting notes

Christmas in June! I don’t really want this particular tea on this bright, summery day, but it’s in my cupboard and I just want to get it rated and either in a tin if I like it, or in the swap pile if I don’t. When I compared the ingredients on my sample pack to what’s listed online it varied slightly, so I think they must’ve changed the recipe since I had ordered it. The dry leaves smell very strongly of spicy cinnamon with a hint of cloves. There is also a sickly sweet smell about the dry leaves that I just can’t place – like an artificial sweet aroma. The tea itself has a more ‘Christmasy’ aroma of sweet oranges and spices. The flavor is very strong and spicy. The aftertaste is horrid – very bitter with an artificial flavor to it. I was hoping to get more of a clove flavor out of this cup, but the only hint of cloves that I notice is a light mouth-numbing quality. I added quite a bit of milk and sweetener just to make this drinkable, and it sort of dulled all of the other flavors so that it’s pretty bland. I can still detect something just off about this tea – there is just too much artificialness to it, and it stands out too strongly in this tea. I’m pouring this cup out and making something else!

-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves with pieces of spices.
-Dry leaves smell strongly of spicy cinnamon with a hint of cloves. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet oranges and spices.
-Tea liquor is a cloudy very dark brown color.
-Strong spicy flavor and finish. Very bitter and artificial aftertaste. Lightly mouth numbing.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Poor tea. Bitter flavor with a heavy artificial taste.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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84 tasting notes

so sprained my ankle yesterday and ive been laying around like a bum after i got back from the doctors. my fiancee made me a cup of this with my lunch today. i remember liking this more when i first tried it….maybe its all the other amazing tea samples ive been trying that have made others seem a bit fake tasting. its still not bad but there is something about it i dont like. the scent is very cinnamon-y which gets me excited to take a sip but the flavor is a bit flat in the cinnamon department. its sweet in a splenda kind of way (i hate “diet” sweeteners and know too much medical stuff to ever voluntarily eat/drink it) i sadly couldn’t finish the cup because i got distracted and this tea is terrible cold

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Eep. I think a sprained ankle calls for something happier. Make the most of bumming around while you can, but I hope your ankle heals quickly!


thanks :) i hope so too! crutches are no fun! :p my GM Nepalese afternoon tea w/ some cadbury chocolate is making it alot better :D

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523 tasting notes

Another über-generous sample from TastyBrew!

After the watery cinnamon flavored teas that I’ve had recently, this one definitely seems to have a stronger flavor. It’s the clove, probably.

Judging it on its own, it really isn’t all the exciting. The dried leaves smelled like strong Christmas spices, but they didn’t come out so vibrant in the end. It has a relatively strong flavor of some sort, but it’s a flat generic sort of flavor, as others have already pointed out.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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8 tasting notes

So a week or so ago, I was at my aunt’s for Thanksgiving and I sneaked into the kitchen to satisfy my Twinings Earl Grey addiction while a large part of my family were packed in on the couch, watching football (blech).

My aunt is an awesome lady. I’m usually mocked for my tea addiction, but my aunt doesn’t seem to mind as much. In fact, as the kettle was warming up some water, my aunt went through her tea cabinet and gave me a few things to try, one of which was Twinings Christmas. It was lovely and hit the spot later that evening as it got colder and more subtly reminded me of the holidays.

It never really occurred to me that there might be a market for holiday-oriented teas, but a simple online search will yield otherwise.

I found this tea and I’m pretty satisfied with it. I do wish the flavor was more overpowering. It’s very mild, but quite sippable. It does Christmas justice, but I’m interested in trying out other blends.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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263 tasting notes

I’ve had this tea twice now…first in a large 4 cup pot and the second time in an single cup brew. Its “OK”. Its actually rather dull. You can see the spices in the mix, but about the only thing coming through is a hint of orange peel. The clove and cinnamon are just “ehh”. I’m not much impressed by the black tea either…it doesn’t have any character…in fact that’s the issue all around; the tea lacks character.
It will serve its purpose, something warm to drink on a cold winter day, but I’ll not be excited about it…and I won’t be rationing it out to make it last.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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20 tasting notes

This tea is okay. I’m gonna see if some friends like it. After having Harney and Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice this tasted like water to me. Maybe I should have tried this one first… Hmmm

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