Hm, interesting – I didn’t have high hopes for the White Mulberry (Like, what’s a white mulberry, anyway? What’s its purpose?) and there were no reviews to read, really, but I ended up absolutely loving it – this one, on the other hand, was talked up by a certain T, so I thought it would be something similar to White Temple. (All these ACP whites!)
But… it’s really not. I think this would really shine as an iced tea, though, much like White Temple. Steeped hot, however, it comes off a little flighty.
Elderflower is tricky – I used to make concentrate every year, using it for sorbets and ice creams and lemonades and cakes and whatnot, so I know my elderflower notes; and this is good – a good elderflower. (I just used ‘elderflower’ three times in one sentence! Is there a special prize?) However, it’s so very subtle when hot that this delicately balanced little flavouring is nearly lost.
In terms of the pomegranate I know is supposed to be in here, I don’t really know. The aftertaste is more one of fruity candy than pom, to my palate. Any other flavour notes are sort of swallowed up by this lingering sweetness.
But yeah – iced. Next time, definitely.
[Sample gifted by my sweet friend T, October 2013.]