Malted Genmaicha

Tea type
Green Tea
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180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec 17 oz / 500 ml

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  • “This is actually the third time I’ve had this. It was one of the teas I got in Doulton’s gift, and it was one of the two that I picked myself. I like genmaichas and I’m not sure what the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m proud to say this is the first tea I’ve given a rating of a 100! YES 52teas YOU’VE DONE IT! But seriously, this stuff is awesome! If you are a fan of genmaicha I HIGHLY suggest you try this...” Read full tasting note
  • “A limerick tea: Oh, my! What an interesting green. Unlike many others I’ve seen. You can’t taste much rice, But ooh, it’s still nice! Sweet and malty—-it’s fit for a queen. (More succinctly—like...” Read full tasting note
  • “I ordered this last week (along with the Neapolitan Honeybush) after reading so many positive reviews about it here. Since I love Genmaicha, and I loved the Malted ChocoMate blend, I figured I’d...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Japanese sencha, toasted rice, all natural malt flavor.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

27 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes

This is actually the third time I’ve had this. It was one of the teas I got in Doulton’s gift, and it was one of the two that I picked myself. I like genmaichas and I’m not sure what the ’malted’ness was supposed to be like. Also I couldn’t figure out what the glass of milk had to do with anything. Lexitus tried to offer an explanation using wikipedia and small words, but I’m still pretty much blank as to the glass of milk.

I gather it’s a special kind of milk that tastes malt-y. This is the sort of thing that can’t really wrap my head around. Why would you do that to milk? What’s wrong with milk-flavoured milk? Milk tastes lovely the way it is! You foreigners do some odd things to perfectly fine milk, I have to say. See in Denmark we have chocolate milk and a variety milk milks with different fat percentages. The end. (And of course a range of various yoghurt products) We get by fine on that. I’m sure you lot are all OMG O.O at this, like the time I revealed to the a bunch of americans over on LJ that in Denmark we don’t have condensed milk either except for possibly industrial kitchens and such. It’s just not something we use.

Anyway, so yeah. The point of this is that malt-y milk is a really weird concept for me. One thing is unnecessary flavour in milk, but malt and milk? I’m sorry, it just strikes me as a somewhat bizarre combination. I can’t imagine that at all.

So I was curious. Against my better judgement yes, but still curious.

I can certainly smell the malt when I open the pouch. It’s overwhelming! And frankly, it smells like molasses. Which is something I associate with horse food. Looking at the leaves themselves, it looks like what we’ve got is one part green tea and two parts puffed rice. Erm… shouldn’t it have been the other way around, balance wise? I mean I want tea with puffed rice. I don’t want puffed rice extract garnished with tea. (And smelling of horse food) So not a lot of points on aroma and look of leaves here.

This being my third cup out of three different sessions so I’m pretty sure I’ve got a consistent flavour out of it, and as one would have guessed from leaf appearance, I’ve got rice flavour like whoa.

And that’s pretty much it, really. Rice, rice, rice, rice, rice, rice. And then on the swallow a hint of sencha and a little maltyness which thankfully isn’t reminding me of horse food. That much.

I like genmaichas. But this is way too rice-y and I’m still not getting what the glass of milk has to do with anything. Is there supposed to be milk flavour in here too somewhere? If so, I’m not finding it.

I can’t really decide if I kind of like this, if I like it enough for it to be drinkable, or if I don’t like it at all. It’s definitely not something I would invest in or something I would ask for another time. I think I’ll go with drinkable on this one and that’s it.

On the upside I’ve used almost all of what Doulton sent me just to get this far, so I won’t have to struggle through a lot of it or find someone else to pass it on to. But I’ll probably add some more sencha to what I do have left, so it isn’t so rice-rice-rice-rice-rice-y.

I’m quite disappointed that I didn’t like it more than this. The majority of others who have posted about it thought it was all kinds of awesome, and I’m feeling a little left out that I can’t find the awesomeness. Maybe it’s a cultural thing, me not being used to this whacky milk flavour? I’m sure we have super-common food products in Denmark that you lot would find bizarre too.

Show 25 previous comments...
Shanti 15 years ago

The glass of milk might be a reference to malted milkshakes, which were really popular in the 50s and I suppose still today, although I’ve never tried one. :)

sophistre 15 years ago

I don’t think it’s just you. I tried it twice to give it a fair shake, and my bag of it, almost full, is currently sitting on my counter alongside a few others that I just don’t like. I’ve been surprised at how much I’ve liked several of the offerings from 52teas (since flavored tea isn’t really my thing) — some of them are fantastic — but I find this one pretty unpleasant. To each their own!

Shanti 15 years ago

Oh, and Horlicks!

gmathis 15 years ago

I am amused/intrigued/fascinated by the cultural taste difference issues you describe from time to time. Do they market Whoppers chocolate covered malt balls over there? That’s the closest taste similarity I can come up with for this tea.

Angrboda 15 years ago

Gmathis, never heard of those. If they do, it’s under a different name.

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

yummmmmm whoppers!

I don’t know how much more help I can be to this, but, I love malted milkshakes. Basically, I think that the milk reference comes from “malted milk” which is a product that is available here in the US, and people can add a scoop of it to their milkshakes to make it thicker and give it a unique texture – sort of like adding a little bit of grain to a milkshake. Malted milk is called malted milk because it is made of a mixture that includes grains and milk which is evaporated into a powder form – which is how we can purchase it here in the states.

As I said, I love malted milkshakes, and when I do happen to indulge in a milkshake when I’m out to eat, I usually order a malted milkshake. It just gives it a more interesting consistency, and it’s more filling and satisfying. YUMMMM!

Auggy 15 years ago

Haha, this made me giggle. I’m a big regular milk fan too (though I’ve had orange milk that is tasty and my grandma used to sweeten her coffee with condensed milk with was sorta weird but tasty).
LiberTEAS, thank you for that explanation! I’ve only recently started to understand what malt even tastes like and was totally at see with malted milkshakes and the like. So thanks!

Angrboda 15 years ago

At least now I know that the honey note in Assams is supposed to be the malt-y note. But I still think it’s more like honey, so I’ll stick to (Hee! Sticky honey!) calling it a honey note.

Southern Boy Teas 15 years ago

You might look at our original post for this tea (, we posted some good information about malted milk there. Sorry you didn’t like this one, but like you said, “to each their own”. I’ve come to the conclusion that seeking universal love by creating amazing tea blends is a wild goose chase. There is definitely a reason behind the saying “not my cup of tea”. Everyone has different tastes.

Angrboda 15 years ago

I’m coming to the conclusion that it’s a cultural thing, so I’ll be staying away from anything ‘malted’ in the future. Just like I know to steer clear of anything with peanut butter. (I don’t ‘get’ peanut butter either. It’s available easily enough over here, I just don’t understand why people would eat it. An ex-boyfriend of mine (sorta) once brought me these peanutbutter filled chocolate-y (HAH! I’m not sure that even had enough cocoa contents in it to qualify as chocolate according to danish rules) things and started feeding them to me before I knew what was going on. Urgh!!!)

The tropical white, though! That’s one with a big NOM factor for me! And tropical fruit doesn’t normally get that sort of response from me. I think I’m just more of a fruit-person.

Angrboda 15 years ago

Also, that link redirects to for some reason! O.o

(if you’re trying to influence me, then sorry it won’t work. I don’t care much for chai or things with chili in it)

Angrboda 15 years ago

Also, EPIPHANY!!!!

OMG now I get that line from that Grease song! gotta be going to that malt shop in the sky

Shanti 15 years ago

The comments on this post make me smile :)
Also, my mind has just been blown. HOW CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THE GLORY OF PEANUT BUTTER?!!1 ;) It’s soooo good. You have to have try a peanut butter and nutella sandwich at some point. Or a peanut butter and honey sandwich. Or a peanut butter cup. Or Reeses Pieces. Or peanut butter pie. Mmmmm. The trick is to heat up the peanut butter a little before or after spreading it on your bread :)

Angrboda 15 years ago

Uhm… because it’s all dry and not nice? It’s like a mouthful of cement. Blergh, you may keep it. I don’t want my nutella or my honey contaminated.

No, marmite. Marmite, that’s the good stuff! (unfortunately we can’t get that in danish shops)

gmathis 15 years ago

Oh, for a slab of peanut butter pie! (My favorite is a clone of traditional American pecan pie, rather than the frozen/creamy PB pie variety.)

Shanti 15 years ago

Oooh, you’ve been eating the wrong peanut butter then :) it should be somewhat thick and maybe a little sticky, but not dry! It’s creamy and sweet and salty and crunchy and mmmmmmm.

Angrboda 15 years ago

I mean dry the way nuts, peanuts included, are dry, not dry-dry. I don’t really care much for nuts on their own either. It’s like I never quite finish chewing even when they’re reduced to dust. In cooking or with (proper!) chocolate around them, nuts are fine. But not alone.

Southern Boy Teas 15 years ago

I am COMPLETELY baffled by the redirection of that link. It makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. I’m pretty sure the Internet gremlins are to blame. Anyway, if you want to read the information we provided on malt, I guess you will have to search our site for malt and click on the Malted Genmaicha post. It actually does have an interesting history: Malted milk was orginally developed by a pharmacist as a nutritionally fortified milk to be used as baby formula, but then it became famous as a confectionary ingredient.

Likewise, peanut butter, was originally (in the form we currently think of as peanut butter) created in the 1890s as a means to provide toothless patients with protein.

My all time favorite sandwich, by the way, is peanut butter on toast with sizzling hot bacon. Mmmmm.

Hmmm…. peanut butter and bacon tea?

Ewa 15 years ago

OMG, do iiiiiiit!

SoccerMom 15 years ago

Okay after reading all this I am hungry! Malted Milkshakes totally rock BTW. :)

Auggy 15 years ago

If you remove the end ) on the link it works properly.

Angrboda 15 years ago

So if you stick ) to the end of a link it’ll randomly choose a different page for you. Interesting… O.o

Auggy 15 years ago

Yeah, not really sure why that works, but it does! Yay for the interwebs!

Angrboda 15 years ago

It’s a bit like the “I’m feeling lucky” button on Google. :p
(go to Google, search “Find Chuck Norris” and use the lucky button)

Auggy 15 years ago

Ha! That’s awesome!

LiberTEAS 15 years ago

I like peanut butter, but, I don’t like it enough to try a peanut butter tea. Something about peanut butter and tea together just makes my tummy get all squeamish and just… eww. I have been quite liberal, I think, in weird tea blends – I tried the bacon tea (very good, especially with a pinch of salt), I tried some rather weird concoctions (most of them have been Frank’s), but, I just… cannot try peanut butter tea. That’s where I draw the line.

Shanti 15 years ago

Same…the idea of peanut butter chai made me feel squeamish. I actually am not a huge fan of peanut butter itself, but it manages to redeem itself every once in a while :)

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52 tasting notes

I’m proud to say this is the first tea I’ve given a rating of a 100! YES 52teas YOU’VE DONE IT!

But seriously, this stuff is awesome! If you are a fan of genmaicha I HIGHLY suggest you try this blend. It’s so different but so good.

And now for the analysis:
This stuff certainly passes the smell test. The maltiness is certainly there; not overpowering but there. It’s that, quite frankly, malt smelling quality to the smell of sencha and brown rice. And if you are a fan of milkshakes/malts like I am well, please, do indulge on this stuff. I steeped it for a good 3 minutes, throwing in about 2 teaspoons in about 16oz of water. The malty smell REALLY came out strong with the hot water added. De-c-i-lious.

Taste? This stuff is so milky and gets even more so as it cools. I LOVE IT. I will say that the maltiness is primarily the taste I got, followed by the brown rice and then sencha; in that order. The first flavor that hits your palette is the malt. It’s so milky. I was afraid that this tea was going to be all brown rice, since it is a pretty powerful flavor (or at least it was in Adagio’s Genmaicha), but I was surprised to find such a milky, malty flavor in every sip. Excuse me while I enjoy another cup. And go buy some. NOW.

3 min, 0 sec
Southern Boy Teas 15 years ago

Wow! Are you sure you liked it? :)

Makes me happy to see you are enjoying it.

Lori 15 years ago

So this is better than Adagio’s genimacha? I absolutely love MALT but am on the fence about genimacha from my Adagio experience. I think I may give this one a try….

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3011 tasting notes

A limerick tea:

Oh, my! What an interesting green.
Unlike many others I’ve seen.
You can’t taste much rice,
But ooh, it’s still nice!
Sweet and malty—-it’s fit for a queen.

(More succinctly—like drinking the inside of a Whoppers malted milk ball. Yum!!!!)

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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AmazonV 15 years ago

love the note!

Stephanie 15 years ago

This note is so cute!

Meghann M 15 years ago

great tasting note for a limerick tea :)

lahochstetler 15 years ago

Wow, still trying to get my head round this one.

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4843 tasting notes

I ordered this last week (along with the Neapolitan Honeybush) after reading so many positive reviews about it here. Since I love Genmaicha, and I loved the Malted ChocoMate blend, I figured I’d give it a try.

And the order came so quickly! FastFreeShipping! Awesome!

WOW! This is amazing. I think I may even like this better than Genmaicha with Matcha. The malted flavor works so well with the toasted rice. It’s a little toastier, a little sweeter, a little richer, a little nuttier. And a whole lot delicious.


165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Miss Sweet 15 years ago

Noooo I’m going to have to add a bag of this to my ever increasing shopping cart!

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Yet another 52 Teas Temptation…Frank’s trying to kill me…lol…

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2977 tasting notes

made a strong half mug, then added a tiny splash of milk. I know, I know… but it didn’t ruin it, and it did make the appearance match the flavor. It seems so weird to drink a tea that tastes creamy/milky and looks clear and grassy! Actually I think this would make a neat “green tea latte” (either hot or cold) if one could get the ratios right…

gmathis 15 years ago

I hadn’t thought about trying with milk, but that would add to the Whoppers feel, wouldn’t it?

Kimberly Shaw 15 years ago

This sounds wonderful with milk.

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314 tasting notes

For some reason, I’m feeling kind of anxious tonight. I needed something calming and light. So I chose this and brewed it stronger than normal (2 heaping tsps. in 12oz with boiling water). As expected, it’s much more milky and sweet with a pronounced toastiness. This time, I detect no fruitiness (like my previous tasting note). There’s a lot of brown rice in my mug. It tastes very “home-y” and relaxing.

Love it! Just what I wanted.

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Cofftea 15 years ago

You need something light so you steep it stronger than normal? lol:)

Stephanie 15 years ago

Yep..I wanted it to be more milky—and it worked! I know it sounds weird.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Lupicia says that their matcha Kirara Rice Tea (which is a matcha gen mai cha) pairs well w/ milk. Personally that seems really gross LOL- but I bet that’s something you’d love so maybe you should actually add milk to this to get the milky flavor=D

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53 tasting notes

Read the reviews, had to give this a shot. Once I got it I kept putting off trying it, not sure why. Finally opened it and took a whiff, and was hit with a malty smell that was both unusual and tempting. Brewed up a cuppa, and I really like it! Nutty, toasty, malty….hard to describe. I love a unique taste, and this is one. After a hot cuppa I made one iced, and it was just as good. I can’t wait to serve this to guests.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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259 tasting notes

Do you ever have one of those experiences when you come face to face with your prejudices and discover that you have been wrong? When this tea showed up at my house, I undoubtedly shot it a prim frown of disapproval and put it away thinking I might be able to use it in a swap. No rice krispies in green tea for this woman!

So today I decided to give it a try….I’ve liked the 52teas of the week very much and thought that I owed them a courtesy taste—-before I gave this tea away to some unsuspecting victim.

HELLO! I love this tea! No rice krispie taste; but there is a toasty sort of crispness. It’s not overwhemingly sweet at all. A layer of smoke, a nuttiness, and a tinge of malt all add up to a fully tasty experience. As I try more teas, I notice that I really respond to those which give me a big and unique tasteful. This tea is excellent for afternoons. It steeps swiftly to pot to mouth time is speedy.

2 min, 30 sec
Cofftea 15 years ago

Per your 1st sentence- yep! Pu Erh:)

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46 tasting notes

This tea is amazing. Just had a bit hot and then tried it iced too! I’m not a big Genmaicha fan, to be honest, but the sweet malt flavor really adds a new dimension to this tea. It’s positively delicious! One of my new favorites!

Cofftea 15 years ago

I have ABSOLUTELY NO room left in my tea cabinet. I hope you offer this again!

Allan 15 years ago

This does sound interesting

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50 tasting notes

This comes very, very close to the Kauai orchid oolong I posted ages ago. But in a completely opposite way. I opened the bag and was pleasantly assaulted by a whiff of sweet, malty goodness. Undertones of something baked and nutty. I can’t pin down the scent exactly, but it makes me think of some delicious baked sweet that I probably wasn’t allowed to eat as a child.

Since it was so (wonderfully) overwhelming, I steeped shorter than I probably could have. Next time I’ll try it for a little longer, because while it is completely pleasant as is, I could have used a stronger taste. Pale celadon color, and some of the sencha fell through the very fine filter. The scent is just a weaker version of the bag, but instead tending towards a wheat, rice smell, overriding the sweet malt. No bitterness and nothing too herbal or grassy tasting in this lovely flavored green tea, and while it may not be as heavy or creamy as I may desire, it is definitely a new favorite!

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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