Hooray! The time of year has come again, when Peet’s carries Winter Solstice (and Holiday Breakfast Blend) in their stores. While it is by no means a limited edition, it is a special edition, so it will only be sold from now until approximately the end of December. Of the half pound I just bought, we shall see how much is gone by mid-December…
The tins have a new design, this year – more of a white, whimsical theme, vaguely reminiscent of the patterns on their cups: http://d3mrtwiv4dr09z.cloudfront.net/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/300×400/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/w/t/wts_-_500665_l_1.png
I think I liked the old, metallic blue better. Interestingly enough, one can still purchase teabags of Winter Solstice that have the blue wrapper.