16384 Tasting Notes


So, I ordered the summer collection from AU almost faster than I actually read all of the tea descriptions – but I saw this one right off the bat and instantly I knew I needed to try it! Something about the flavour combo REALLY jumped out to me. Maybe because it’s an apple tea that’s purposefully apple with an actual tea base? You know, NOT a herbal with just lots of apple as a filler…

- Dry leaf smells AWESOME! Lots of sweet, candied green apple notes and hints of licorice
- Reminds me a lot of the green apple Jelly Belly candies

I steeped it up in a large mug, which I drank early in the morning sitting outside on the porch before work – it was a very tranquil and pleasant experience.

- Tastes very smooth, with a really beautiful and CLEARLY defined green apple note
- It’s got the natural, realistic sweetness of apple but finishes in a near candy-like way
- Likely from the extra boost of sweetness from the fennel
- The black base is very faintly malty, and a touch floral with hints of spice
- Some of that spice may also be from the clove, though I didn’t find it that defined?
- That floral characteristic only adds to the nuance/realistic nature of the green apple
- Arguably the best green apple tea I’ve had
- Partially because it’s green apple without being sour
- The faintest bit astringent on the top of the sip
- But in a pleasant way that mimics apple skins

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a19ZNSGwko4

Anyway, I deeply loved this one right off the bat! I’m gonna rate somewhat conservatively because I think part of that might just be new tea excitement but I could see this one definitely being something I’d want to purchase in a larger quantity.

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Cold Brew!

A very, very grassy one with a lot of sharpness to it and an almost harsh starting sip. The body was alright; it was more generically floral and the finish was fruity with the normal strawberry notes. Maybe this was just left to cold brew for too long and it got too potent/strong? I’m not totally sure.

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So, we went over to my Dad’s house last night for birthday cake/supper and to hang out with our step nephews for Liam’s birthday which was pretty fun. It was also a good reminder of why I don’t ever want children; my nephews are fucking intolerable once you’ve been exposed to them for more than an hour or so. God help me if I was stuck with them forever. After cake, the ‘adults’ had tea/coffee while my nephews and Liam played in the living room. To their mother’s chagrin, he was teaching them how to wrestle.

My step mom actually picked the tea I was drinking though; they’ve accumulated so many different kinds of tea from me over the last few years and it’s kind of nice letting them choose something for me because it’s like revisiting my cupboard from two years ago; lots of long since forgotten favourites!

This one wasn’t too bad; but it did show its age a fair bit. At this point, it was a Christmas gift from two years ago – so pretty old. Still, it had that nice ginseng sweetness and woody quality with some soft grassy notes too. I think the age worked in my favour a bit though because my step mom DEFINITELY overleafed and had this been at peak freshness I think it would have felt pretty overwhelming. This was nice, though.

I even convinced the five year old to eat a tea leaf; which was pretty entertaining.


I too realised I don’t ever want children due to young family members. I love them, but I never, ever want to deal with that on a daily basis. So much money and effort that could be better spent on travelling and fancy teas.


I totally agree, I don’t want children either. I get a little tired of people saying, “You’ll change your mind.” Because we all have the same life goals and values, apparently.


Same…for the longest time I thought I wanted kids, but been finding out in the last few years that I don’t have the patience.

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drank Moonlight White by DAVIDsTEA
16384 tasting notes

Gong Fu Sipdown (245)!

I said I was going to try this one Gong Fu, and I do try to deliver on those kinds of promises/commitments, so I sat down today before we went out for my brother’s birthday and had a nice, but short, Gong Fu session with this tea.

I used 8g for a 150ml pot, and started with a ten second rinse and a rest before continuing the session. Here are the jot notes I took for the session:
10 Sec/Infusion One
- Pale yellow liquor
- Brightness to the top of the sip; clementime oranges/peach/apricot
- Finish is sweeter; a mix of honey and straw

15 Sec/Infusion Two
- More golden yellow liquor
- Flavour is a little fuller and has less top note brightness
- A mix of stonefruit, honey, straw/hay, autumn leaves, some LIGHT cream notes

20 Sec/Infusion Three
- Shifting a bit more to a cooked fruit sort of note
- With more mineral/leaf/straw/hay sort of focus and less honey
- Finish is JUST SLIGHTLY astringent

25 Sec/Infusion Four
- More of the cooked fruit thing, heavier on the apricot
- Still very strong mineral/leaf/straw/hay stuff but in a fulled, more ‘round’ kind of way
- Finish is a little nutty? Almonds, in particular

30 Sec/Infusion Five
- Same, but even nuttier with more finishing sweetness!

35 Sec/Infusion Six
- Very sweet and full bodied now
- Straight up marzipan notes dominating most of the sip
- With lesser nutty notes, cream, hay, and sugared apricots forming the rest

40 Sec/Infusion Seven
- Same as before; LOVING these later infusions a lot

I also did an eight and ninth infusion, just increasing the time by five seconds for each one, but I didn’t take any notes for those because, firstly, I was pretty tea drunk and, secondly, they weren’t anything super drastic from what I’d already recorded. I think I could have pushed the session longer but I had sort of settled into a point where there wasn’t anything new coming out of each infusion and I was both running out of water in my carafe and time before needing to take off for my brother’s birthday supper.

Anyway, this session started off in a way that I wouldn’t say was bad but maybe a bit lack luster? However, sticking out the first few infusions was certainly worthwhile because the later ones that I experienced were actually VERY good. It was a little weird, because that degree of sweetness and such clear nutty notes is something I haven’t experienced too heavily with aged whites/moonlight teas before but it was so pleasant.

While I’d totally skip over this tea prepared in a Western style, I think grabbing a small sample it worth it just to see the impressive flavour development of it when Gong Fuing.

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts regarding the teas, and not the company’s.


Try 10g of this tea steeped for 1 minute each and see what you get. 80C temp.

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My morning cuppa.

So, today is my brother’s 19th birthday so late in the evening we’re going out for dinner and drinks to celebrate him being legal drinking age. In the mean time, I’m enjoying having the morning/afternoon off by having some tea and listening to some good music and the rain.

I added some spiced orange honey to this cup as well to add an extra dimension of flavour to the cup and that was just a really smart decision. The spice notes of the honey actually didn’t really come through at all, but the orange became this smooth, sweet consistent flavour throughout the entire sip; since this tea is SO naturally chocolate-y tasting that added orange flavour almost gave this a Terry’s Chocolate Orange kind of vibe. Except, it’s a LOT more natural tasting so maybe more like orange slices dipped into high quality, melted down chocolate. Yummy!

Flavors: Bread, Chocolate, Malt


Happy birthday to your brother! Taking a 19-year-old for drinks is always fun. Also, this tea sounds yum!

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drank Algothé by Kusmi Tea
16384 tasting notes

Powdery spearmint…

Really tasty though, despite that weird textural thing that this tea tends to do. I like drinking it late at night because of how relaxing it is; pair it with some good music and you have yourself a really pleasant way to wind down for the evening.

Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzMaDCAaVyw&list=LL1M1wDjmJD4SJr_CwzXAGuQ&index=6

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Well, the time has come to power through this tea I think.

It still tastes pretty good, in all honestly, but the flavour is definitely fading and the almond slivers are starting to taste just slightly weird/wonky. Plus I’m actually REALLY close to running out of this one and I think I’m at a point where I’d like some fresher flavoured white tea options in my stash – in fact, I even have a few on the way right now.

So sip, sip, sip.

This last cup was sweet and lemony with hints of more of a lemon rind sort of thing going on in the undertones. Some very faint white peach notes from the silver needle, and a tiny bit of hay. The almond is sweet, with some marzipan qualities but not as much as this tea used to posses. Something about it today is also reminding me of buttercream.

I’ll be sad when this is finally gone, but it’s time.

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I had a really rough day at work today not in the sense that the shift itself was bad, but more so just that I was completely exhausted from a poor night’s sleep so everything was just harder to get through and I felt very depleted early into the day.

Guayusa was my friend and savior, though! I drank this mugs of this today with a touch of honey in each and I swear it was the only reason I actually made it through the shift today. The energy boost those cups gave me was consistent enough that I never felt a crash, and the sweet, lush earthy tones were really pleasant to taste as well.

Thank you, Guayusa. Thank you.

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts regarding the teas, and not the company’s.


Glad to see someone else appreciates the Guayusa. My stomach isn’t a fan but my undergrad papers certainly were. Thank you, Guayusa.


Sadly, it will be gone soon.

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From my mom’s vacation haul/BC trip.

I was really impressed with the first tea I tried from this company, so I was feeling pretty optimistic about this one too. It’s one I specifically requested because I’m always stoked to try something else from Nepal, and the description on the website certainly sounded appealing. While I do want to Gong Fu this I started with a Western brew because that’s actually what the recommended way to brew this one was on the package.

- This was fucking DELICIOUS; insanely so!
- Dry leaf smells like straight up chocolate and dark rye; yummy!
- You know it’s good when you set your mug down to get something from the other room
- …and come back only to find your mother stealing sips from the mug
- Really nuanced, but overall thick mouthfeel and full bodied flavour
- Super smooth/silky with a light roast
- Top notes of: honey, caramel, malt, rye bread, baker’s chocolate
- Body notes of: cinnamon, French bread, malt, honey, light cocoa
- Finish: sweeter with fruity undertones such as dark cherries or even plums
- This finishing note is likely the “wine” described by the vendor
- Honestly the best Nepalese tea I’ve had to date

I’ve really liked a lot of the teas that my mom brought back for me, but thus far this one might just be my favourite. It’s seriously really fucking good.


Ooh, that sounds good!

Daylon R Thomas

The price is not bad either.



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Welcome back delicious!

This used to be one of my most favourite tea ever; I went through SO MUCH OF IT back when I had started my tea journey but it got to the point where I was wearing myself out. So, I took a break. That break just wound up being MUCH longer than anticipated. Like, two years longer…

- Every bit as delicious as I remember it being!
- Smooth, silky and rich mouthfeel
- Has the sweetness of champagne, with floral aspects
- Very strong currant notes, both red and black
- Slightly more weighted towards the black currant though; jammy and sweet!
- I feel like the sweetness of the champagne almost makes the currant seem candied
- Slightly citrus like finish
- Just beautiful, indulgent and relaxing though!

I feel like now that I have a more trained palate I can appreciate some of the nuances of this tea a little better than I used to be able to, however that doesn’t change my appreciation/love of it. It’s still just a VERY good tea. Dare I say it, still perfect.


Hell yeah!

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Hello! My name is Kelly, though many people in the tea community call me Ros or Roswell.

I am a mid-twenties tea addict, blogger, and all around nerd. I grew up in the Prairies, but a few years ago I relocated to Quebec to pursue a career with DAVIDsTEA in the tea industry! I’m still working on getting my French language skills down…

My first introduction to tea, in any form outside of instant and bottled iced tea, was about seven years ago when I happened to stumble upon DAVIDsTEA while looking for a birthday present for a friend! I tried their Birthday Cake rooibos blend, and I’ve been hooked on tea ever since! In those seven years; I was introduced to the online tea community, expanded my interest in flavoured teas to include a deep love and appreciation for straight teas and traditional brewing methods, got a tea themed tattoo, started reviewing teas, amassed a sizable tea and teaware collection, became a TAC certified Tea Sommelier, & even came full circle by beginning a career in the tea industry with DAVIDsTEA!

I consider myself a Jack of all Teas, and strive to have a knowledge and appreciation of all tea types, formats, and styles of drinking. I don’t like to feel boxed in to just being a “flavoured tea” or “straight tea” drinker – my expectations may vary depending on the type of tea or how it’s been processed/prepared but if it’s good tea, it’s good tea no matter how it’s been made!

You name it, I probably drink it- and I’ll absolutely try anything at least once.

My default method of preparation is hot, Western style, and straight – but I’m not opposed to additions if I’m in the right mood. If I ever add something to a tea or use a different method of preparation I will ALWAYS call it out in the tasting note though.

I like to listen to music when drinking tea, especially when I’m brewing a large pot at a time or steeping Gongfu. Often I curate very intentional tea and music pairings, and sometimes I share them here in my tasting reviews. Music is something that I find can deeply affect the experience of having tea.

I’m also one half of the “tea and fandom” podcast GeekSteep where, weekly, we discuss newly explored fandoms over tea as well as try to figure out the perfect tea to pair with each fandom. You can find us on Spotify and Apple & Google podcasts.

Favourite flavour notes/ingredients: Pear, lychee, cranberry, cream, melon, pineapple, malt, roasty, petrichor, sweet potato, heady florals like rose, hazelnut or walnut, sesame, honey (in moderation), and very woody shou.

Least favourite flavour notes/ingredients:
Lemongrass, ginger, strongly spiced profiles (and most Chai in general), mushrooms, seaweed, chamomile, stevia, saltiness or anything that reminds me too much of meat that isn’t supposed to taste like meat…

Currently exploring/obsessed with: Sheng from Yiwu, Yancha (Qilan in particular), anything with a strong sweet potato note. Also, I need to try ALL the root beer teas! Searching for a really good caramel flavoured blend, ideally with a black tea base.

Please contact me at the instagram account listed below if you would like me to review your teas.

Currently I’m employed in the tea department of the DAVIDsTEA head office. While I’m still sharing my own personal thoughts on new & existing DAVIDsTEA blends, I am no longer numerically rating them due to the obvious conflict of interest. Any comments expressed are a reflection of my own thoughts and opinions, and do not reflect the thoughts and opinions of the company. Any DAVIDsTEA blends you currently see with a numeric score were reviewed prior to my being hired there and have not been adjusted since becoming a DAVIDsTEA employee.


Montreal, QC, CA



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