Sipdown (648)!
This one was a VariaTEA share – and for three weeks I’d been waiting for the page to unglitch from the mobile cached mode so I could add it to my Steepster cupboard; finally yesterday I decided to just finish the tea off so that it wouldn’t bug me anymore and just leave the tasting note in my queue for whenever the page was fixed. HOWEVER; Arby is an absoloute genious and figured out a way around the mobile caching glitch!!!
So listen up:
Click the ‘edit tea’ link; it will NOT bounce you back to the login page but will instead actually open up to the page where you edit tea entry date. From there, just hit save. Doing this resets the tea’s page and it will no longer be stuck in the mobile cache mode!
As for the tea itself…
I know it’s a very popular blend here on Steepster but I have a bit of a confession to make; up until now I had never tried it. In fact, not only had I never tried it but I had done so on purpose. ‘Cause here’s the thing; I fucking hate jello. There’s something about the taste that just causes me to constantly gag while eating it no matter the flavour, and the texture is just so slimy and weird. However, even as far as jello ‘flavours’ go the lime is probably the worst one other than lemon – it’s just not good stuff. So, I had no desire to relive that in tea form.
However, I’ll try any tea at least one and so I buckled down and braced myself for what I was sure wouldn’t be a great cup of tea. However, I was actually surprised because this doesn’t taste bad! Like, I kind of get the fascination and interest. A big part of that, for me at least, is just that I don’t think it actually tastes much like jello at all. Instead it’s a very bright/sweet lime taste that reminds me more of lime flavoured candies like Skittles. There’s also just a hint of creaminess to though, especially in the finish.
It’s a really interesting tea, and I’m glad I tried it because it’s not at all like what I expected. Now, would I order it for myself? No – but I’d drink it if served and without making any sort of stink about it.
I can’t stand Jello either, but for me it’s just the texture; mushy-textured foods set off my gag-reflex. So for me it would just matter what the flavor is (lime) and since the texture would just be, well, tea, I’d be fine. The one thing I can’t do in any capacity (flavor, texture, aroma, or otherwise) is bananas, so if it was banana-flavored Jello, then I wouldn’t be able to handle it even in tea-form!
This originally came from Sil and this it made its rounds lol. Also it’s hard to find teas you hadn’t tried so when I do, I just send them which is why would end up with ginger teas and other things you hate. Your hatred of jello I did not know about though and tbh I get it. I’m not a jello fan either which is why I didn’t care to order this myself but thankfully it was a fun try.
Haha, no worries VariaTEA! I’m always appreciative of anything you, Sil or anyone passes along my way :) Jello is just a weird food, to be honest. I have somewhat of a distrust of people who claim to really enjoy jello. What’s wrong with them? :P
I’m glad you ended up enjoying it more than you enjoy Jello. :)
I can’t stand Jello either, but for me it’s just the texture; mushy-textured foods set off my gag-reflex. So for me it would just matter what the flavor is (lime) and since the texture would just be, well, tea, I’d be fine. The one thing I can’t do in any capacity (flavor, texture, aroma, or otherwise) is bananas, so if it was banana-flavored Jello, then I wouldn’t be able to handle it even in tea-form!
This originally came from Sil and this it made its rounds lol. Also it’s hard to find teas you hadn’t tried so when I do, I just send them which is why would end up with ginger teas and other things you hate. Your hatred of jello I did not know about though and tbh I get it. I’m not a jello fan either which is why I didn’t care to order this myself but thankfully it was a fun try.
Haha, no worries VariaTEA! I’m always appreciative of anything you, Sil or anyone passes along my way :) Jello is just a weird food, to be honest. I have somewhat of a distrust of people who claim to really enjoy jello. What’s wrong with them? :P
I did not know such people existed.