It feels like forever since I actually reviewed a tea WHILE I was drinking it. Actually, I can’t remember the last time that happened…
Anyway, after a miserable 8 hour shift I realized that before I walked home I had to stop and pick up groceries – more specifically bread. I promised Tre yesterday that I’d get bread but because I’d had to stay late at work it slipped my mind when I was finally off so I came home without bread. I certainly wasn’t going to listen to him complain again – so as soon as I was off I headed to Safeway to pick up food.
Well, just my luck… It’s raining today in Saskatoon. It’s miserably cold and windy and raining. So, I walked home after doing all my stupid shopping in the pouring rain wearing only a t-shirt (it had been beautiful when I walked TO work this morning…), and it freaking sucked. When I got home, soaked in rain, I proudly showed Tre the bread and he responded with “if it was raining, you didn’t need to pick any up and go out of your way”; URGH! Oh well, at least I can have Nutella covered toast in the morning.
Just a warning, there are adult words ahead
But after just a miserable day I decided that tonight will be a mental healing day. I’m blaring Lily Allen’s “Fuck You” on my laptop as loud as it will go, both as a “Fuck You” to James and to this day and cooking some vegetarian style Hamburger Helper (it is SO good to have a hot meal after basically living on mall food all week) whilst drinking this tea.
Seriously, this tea tastes just like creamsicles with some nice fresh spearmint (because mint is so comforting) and is the perfect “summer day throwback” to help me forget about the rain. And the cheese and the spice from the HH are really offset by the strong flavour notes in the tea. It’s also just really great having a cup of something hot in my hands… Tea is food for the soul, truly!
I think the next step is to finish my supper and get all cocooned on the couch with either Pokemon Y or some TV. Thankfully I have tomorrow off, so I think I have lots more tea ahead of me tonight and tomorrow! I’m going to take the opportunity to indulge in some favourites.
Please day, get better!
I love that song by Lilly Allen as well. Sounds as though it fit your day perfectly!