On my first try, I did not like this. It was toasty, the flavor seemed strong, and I wasn’t a fan. Disheartening as it would have been my second oolong to try, neither of which I liked.
And then, about a week later I tried it again. And all of a sudden I really liked it. It still has a toasty flavor. All I can think is that I was not in the mood for it on the first attempt. (I am extremely mood driven when it comes to flavor.)
I have since been trying to ration myself, draw out that single ounce as long as possible as the price makes me feel a bit guilty. not too much however. My husband had an addiction to hard drives (very very long story) and so far my tea doesn’t even approach his cost. :)
Anyway definitely staple quality. And the first non black to be labeled so. :)
It seems the rating system won’t allow me to use fractions or decimals. I actually use about 1/2 teaspoon to around 8oz of water. Those leaves are rolled up really tight and expand hugely while steeping.
Flavors: Toasty