12 Tasting Notes

drank China White Tea by McNulty's
12 tasting notes

A nice, straight, white tea. Light and vegetal, without the “sweetness” that comes with other white teas, like silver needle and white pekoe. Flavor gets more pleasant as the tea cools, but is satisfying throughout. I personally enjoy sipping this tea slowly while reading and working- it doesn’t demand much attention, which is a good or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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I’ve had mixed experiences with Peet’s Lung Ching Dragonwell, but when I get it right, it’s absolutely some of my favorite green tea. The problem is, it’s a bit fickle- steeped for a minute too long, it becomes bitter, steeped for a minute too short, it’s a bit watery. Similarly, temperature has an extremely variable effect on the tea. In that sense, it can be a bit of a disappointment. With that being said, when you get it right it’s absolutely flavorgasmic, almost buttery, with a lingering sweetness… mmm. I’m going to pour another cup.

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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The first cup was a bit overpowering, but I’ve since gotten used to it. The scent overwhelms the taste just a bit, but the white tea is present in the flavor and quite good. The flavor is especially balanced after it’s cooled down a bit. A good mid-day “tea time” tea, I think, but not something I would drink regularly.

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Exotic and smokey, with a nice aftertaste. I really enjoy this with a bit of cream and sugar but it does dumb down the flavor a bit. The recommended steep is 2-4 minutes, but I enjoy steeping this one a bit longer, it tends to get smokier without getting bitter. Great for a cold day, and a good breakfast tea. I love it!

5 min, 30 sec

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drank Awake English Breakfast by Tazo
12 tasting notes

Bitter and boring. More invigorating than a cup of Tetley, but tastes worse. Meh.

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drank Tetley Tea Bag by Tetley
12 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking a cup of this every morning lately, mostly because it’s always there. Not bad, a bit weak and astringent. Really though, you can’t get much more run of the mill then Tetley, so it’s hard to complain; when approached with lax standards, it’s never a let-down. And for what it’s worth, It ALMOST wakes you up- two cups are better than one.

3 min, 0 sec

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As I kid, when I was sick, I would sit in the bath and sip on a cup of Lemon Zinger. Not much has changed.

Anyway, it’s definitely good in conjunction with Throat Coat over the course of a sick-day; I find that it clears my head and soothes my stomach and throat- especially with a bit of honey. It’s impossible to steep this one for too long, best at a hot boil.

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I usually really enjoy Good Earth tea, but can hardly stand this stuff. Whether or not it’s “natural,” the aroma of jasmine is horribly artificial, and overpowering to boot, like a bad perfume. The smell is almost powdery- sort of hard to describe, but imagine powdery sugar candy like fun-dip (remember fun-dip?!) or something to that effect. I was so surprised by my adverse reaction to this tea (I enjoy jasmine green teas) that I almost want to buy another box as a control, in case this one is… old? I don’t know, but as of now I definitely can’t recommend this tea. It’s drinkable, but not enjoyable.

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Ah Throat Coat. I’ve been drinking this stuff since I was a kid, and being prone to sore throats, I think it’s pure magic. It feels as though it has an herbal anesthetic quality, and it’s pleasantly thick and warm going down- especially with good honey. I love the flavor, and am usually in danger of running out before I’m even sick. Lots of good memories with this great tea.

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drank Jasmine Pearl by Trader Joe's
12 tasting notes

Definitely tasty but light. Both the jasmine and the green tea are a bit on the meh side in terms of flavor; neither stands out particularly. The proportions are right and the tea is enjoyable, but it’s just a bit superficial in terms of flavor. Definitely a good, enjoyable day-to-day jasmine green, if that’s your thing, and the price is great.

Side note: I find that there’s often something disagreeable about jasmine tea at this price, but think that this tea entirely enjoyable. Props to TJs.

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