This is my review of the other sample (tea bag) I was given when buying tea at Palais des Thés shop in Angers last week. I´m rather overwhelmed by this tea, as I didn´t expect me to like it as much as I did : it´s a minty green tea which really does justice to its name of “glacial”, as it´s like having a polo mint in your mouth for quite some time after having drunk the tea!
When I go to have a “couscous”, I always finish the meal by having a mint tea, and the sugar dose of these mint teas are high enough to not have me going for another one for the rest of the year…so, what I really love here is the freshness of the mint w/o the sugar levels associated with mint teas. I have drunk the tea hot, as indicated on the tea bag, but I really believe this could be a wonderful iced tea, so I definitely want to buy more when visiting a Palais des Thés shop next time.
“Deliciously combines the fresh, peppery flavor of mint leaves with the herbal notes of a green tea from China.” …indeed, a lovely combination. Moreover, I believe this tea can interest both herbal tea lovers as green tea aficionados.
Flavors: Green, Mint