Just bought this tea today in a pop-up store in Madrid. I´ve longed to try Clipper tea for a while, and the raspberry – a wonderful fruit I cannot get enough of – decided! Made myself and my husband a cup, and the strong raspberry fragrance from the tea bag fades when the tea is steeping and in the final taste very little of the raspberry remains. It´s not bad, but I would ´ve preferred to get a bit of raspberry in the final taste. Enjoyable for the rest.
A funny thing I saw : the English label says to"pour water over the tea bag when it´s still boiling", while the added label in Spanish advices to boil the water, leave to cool for 1 minute and then add tea bag. Can someone please explain why there is this difference??? ;-)
Flavors: Raspberry
I wrote to Clipper Teas on Facebook, and they confirmed the instructions indicated on the box for this tea in question; the Spanish label seems to correspond to the instructions for the white tea w/o fruit additives.