I received this sample with my Kusmi Teas order. I thought the packaging was pretty with the mint green label and the cloth-like teabag. The scent wasn’t overpowering, but I managed to see a piece of popcorn and some rice mixed in with the dark green tea leaves. This is a VERY light genmaicha. It was unexpected. One of the first teas I got into was genmaicha because they would serve it at all the Japanese restaurants around me. This one was very watered down. The liquid was a light yellow. I really had to stick my nose in my cup and swish the tea in my mouth to really get the scent and flavor. This is nice and sweet and there is no astringency there. I like the light nutty and rice flavors. I imagine that this would be refreshing and nice iced or cold brewed.
I am not a fan, unfortunately. Light, barely detectable genmaichas are not my thing.