Today I cold steeped a blend of two teas from Teavana – Java Vana Maté and Cococaramel sea salt (herbal).
I did a taste test at 4 hours and then strained the rest into a 16 oz glass at 7 hours.
The verdict? I am never steeping this hot ever again :) Though I don’t think I’ll let it go over 6 hours next time.
Sip by sip this tea greets you with a heavy roasted flavor followed by strong cocoa notes. A sweet hint of caramel finishes off the flavor.
I’m going to give this a tentative 70. It’s tasty but it’s also a little rough on the acid right now. I’m going to experiment with the steep time in the future. I’m thinking I’ll end up with a happy medium between 4 and 6 hours.
Flavors: Caramel, Cocoa