drank Pineapple Oolong by DAVIDsTEA
290 tasting notes

Hmmm….. This tea is an exceptional one for sure. The first time I tasted this tea was when it was the tea of the day. Words could not express how I hard I had to try to swallow the tea and finish what was in my sample cup. I was totally turned off by it.

Then, I ordered some teas online and this was one of my free samples. So I steeped it, with the intention of giving it to my family to drink. Then (here I go again with another one of my famous impulses) I decided to take a sip, and believe me, I drank the rest of the pot! I don’t know what happened that first day, but my opinion of pineapple oolong had just done a 360 and I had fallen in love.

The moral of this story is to act on your impulses.


The moral is to always give teas a second chance, when it’s free ;)

As for the tea it self, it is super super sweet from all the pineapple it pretty much superposes the oolong taste. So you could call it pineapple tea, because that is all you will taste (which is not a bad thing!).

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