35 Tasting Notes


Tea buds are much larger than most jasmine pearl varietals. Prepared in a medium sized gaiwan. Need very few buds(a pinch to coat the bottom of the gaiwan) to produce several infusions, keeping the water temperature below 200 degrees. Drank all day.

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drank China Green Tips by Tazo
35 tasting notes

Treat this tea, as you would any other green tea and keep the water temperature below 200 degrees. Clean, refreshing tasting brew.

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Prepared tea in a small glass pot. Black and gold leaves intertwined in a tight spiral, open up and produce a dark liquior with a spicy/sweet taste. Steamed 1 cup of Vanilla Soy Milk. Poured the tea into the milk and added honey. Goodness!

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Prepared the tea in a small stone(not clay) tea pot; holds enough tea for one ceramic tasting cup. Rich amber color, fantastic apricot flavor. Adjusting temp of the water up slightly with each additional steeping, rendered 5 in total. Black twisted leaves, open up and turn green as they are brewed.

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Prepared in a small glass teapot. Tea has rich, smoky flavor to the casual sip, followed by a distinct sweet after taste.

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