This tea was certainly the start of a divisive night of tea tasting in our house! I smelled the dry leaves and thought it was a little heavier on berry than I had been hoping it would be. The BF smelled it and thought it was absolutely perfect. I brewed some tea up with a brew time that was a little on the short side for a lighter flavour (mate and I have a very tenuous relationship at the best of times). First sip I was unsure, but about a third of the way in I was in love. The berry smell that had been so predominant in the dry leaves had faded back into a mere hint of tart. In its place was a woodsy, smoky, liquor with really warm flavour notes. In short, I was thrilled, the bf took a sip and demanded to know where the berry had gone…. Repeated demands that he just try it again had little effect on changing his opinion. Currently, we have reached a stalemate, the tea is categorized as “my” tea and I eagerly await the day that he sees the light and recognizes this tea for its brilliance!