47 Tasting Notes
Nice tea, but too expensive. This tea seemed a little on the broken and dusty side. I guess it could have been beat up during shipping, but i would guess it’s more a sign of the quality of the tea, or lack thereof. This is definitely the best tea i’ve had from Adagio….but that’s not saying very much. I’ve yet to be truly impressed by any of their offerings.
I’d say a tea that’s at least as good as this one for less money is the Gyokuro Hoshino from Shizuokatea.com.
Very interesting round, rustic flavor with a lingering sweet finish. It’s good…but not what i’m looking for in a great green tea. I only get about halfway through the cup before i want something else…something fresh and crisp tasting. Although, I suspect many people will love this for its uniqueness…i do not.