I’m staying with my parents for the next couple of weeks. Since I’m nearly 1000km away from my usual haunts and I don’t know this area very well, just about every place I go is a new discovery. Today I went to a large weekend market that my father wanted to check out. Most of the stalls didn’t interest me much, until I spotted: tea! My parents watched, bemused, as I sorted through the teas on offer and ended up with nine little tins.
“No one buys that many teas at once!” said my mother.
“Oh, I know a few people who would,” I assured her, thinking of steepster. g
In the end, they offered to take me to the town of Tamborine, where Tamborine Teas is based, later in the week, so I may end up with a few more of their teas by the time I go home again. (As it is, I’ll be going home with more teas in my bag than when I arrived, which surprises me – though probably it shouldn’t. g)
This is a mix of oolong and green tea, with a little added spearmint and safflowers. It’s really not bad at all. The spearmint is there, but it doesn’t dominate the flavour as much as I expected. It provides more a refreshing edge to the tea and let the flavours of the tea come through. It reminds me a bit of Moroccan Mint, though more oolong-y (is that a word?) than green.
I liked this tea quite a lot, and now I’m really looking forward to trying the other teas I got from Tamborine Teas.
If your mother only knew! (Some of us clearly need an intervention into our tea-buying obsession.) It’s always a great thing when you find a new source of tea.
I’m SO overwhelmed right now, tea-wise. I somehow ended up with around probably… 3-4 pounds of it? Glad that you have lots of new tea!
@carolyn Oh yeah. I spent about $30 on the tea I got yesterday. My mother thought this was a lot. g
@auggy My restraint is not as strong as it might appear: they’d run out of sample tins of some of the other teas I was interested in. g
@teaplz I feel your pain. My partner says that there’s no room left on my tea shelf in the pantry at home. Oops. g
Seriously! You should send her to gasp in shock and horror at our cupboards. Also, I think that Auggy, Queen of -y can confirm the absolute realness of oolong-y as a word. Cheers on all your new tea!
If your mother only knew! (Some of us clearly need an intervention into our tea-buying obsession.) It’s always a great thing when you find a new source of tea.
Yay! Unexpected tea discoveries are so exciting! And good job on limiting yourself to only nine! ;)
I’m SO overwhelmed right now, tea-wise. I somehow ended up with around probably… 3-4 pounds of it? Glad that you have lots of new tea!
@carolyn Oh yeah. I spent about $30 on the tea I got yesterday. My mother thought this was a lot. g
@auggy My restraint is not as strong as it might appear: they’d run out of sample tins of some of the other teas I was interested in. g
@teaplz I feel your pain. My partner says that there’s no room left on my tea shelf in the pantry at home. Oops. g
Seriously! You should send her to gasp in shock and horror at our cupboards. Also, I think that Auggy, Queen of -y can confirm the absolute realness of oolong-y as a word. Cheers on all your new tea!
Can I get a tiara to go with my title of ‘Queen of -y’?
And yes, oolong-y is totally a word.
9 small tins is nothing.
Then again, family does keep informing me that I have TOO MUCH TEA. Methinks I just need to get more storage tins and my own cabinet.