I love Earl Grey with vanilla, but didn’t want the caffeine, so when I ended up with a coupon for Adagio I thought I’d try this customer-created custom blend. It’s…. okay, not as good as say, SpecialTeas’ Earl Grey de la Creme. Somehow it ends up being a bit artificial tasting and overly sweet, in a ‘Sweet N’ Lo’ kinda way. Oddly enough, this doesn’t mean I dislike it- it has its place. I am trying to use it to recreate Starbucks’ “London Fog Latte”, which Sbucks has given a new name and purportedly involves vanilla syrup and earl grey tea, rather than vanillayearl grey tea. So far, my home-brew is a moderately successful experiment. This is definitely a tea to have with milk.
(I believe this is a combo of Decaf Earl Grey, Decaf Vanilla, and Cream tea.)