Followed by 115 Tea Drinkers

The Tea Snob 12 followers

I Hail from Darjeeling (The Queen Of Hills) which is more significantly famou...

52Teas 190 followers

52Teas offers you high-quality, hand-crafted, small batch artisan tea blends ...

MoxTea 63 followers

MoxTea is a 100% natural herbal blend tea that Boost Energy & Busts Anxie...

Madam Oolong 106 followers

Hi! I’ve been into tea for about a year now, thanks to my good fortune of liv...

tea & better 17 followers

select,share and communicate,for those who love better tea,better life!

Gooseberry Spoon 67 followers

Likes: Jasmin, citrus, blackcurrants, Japanese greens Dislikes: Chamomile, lo...

BrewOne 15 followers

We source premium teas, coffees & delicious treats in order to give you t...



Married into tea! :)

I enjoy reading everyone’s insights- there’s so much to love about our favorite beverage- but probably won’t log any notes. It would be too weird, I think.

Now officially heading up Verdant Tea so David can focus on sourcing and translation!

If I can ever answer any questions or offer help, don’t hesitate to contact me:


Minneapolis, MN


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