The key to this tea is completely disregarding the horrible way it smells while it’s steeping.
It smells like a wet outdoor ash tray after a humid summer rain.
It’s so bad I made everyone smell it. I was like “GET A LOAD OF THIS. SERIOUSLY. PUT IT IN YOUR NOSTRILS. IT. IS. AWFUL.”
I’m a manic, gothy-lookin’ troll.
But this tea, when you drink it, is wow. I drank the entire sample today. Two cups. First sample, immediate follow-up to confirm. (Sorry, mtchyg, none for you. I promise it’s good. Try some next time you’re ordering from Verdant.)
It tastes like warm bread in a log cabin on a long, lazy fall day. It tastes like wholesome, guardian spirit magic. It tastes the way sharing food with your partner feels.
It’s not new love; it’s old love, where the other person knows how to rub your back when you’re miffed; or sing your favorite song badly; or slowly make hideous faces until you chortle.
Summer’s not the right season, emotionally, for this beverage, but I quaffed it all down because it was great.
If there were heart emoticons on steepster, I would place one here.