Yay my wife is home so now I don’t have to make my own teas!
“Regret nothing. Until it is too late. Then, regret everything”
Am I going to regret you, Feral Dogs? I hope not…
This smells oddly of Cecil, which my wife is having. So much so that I had to ask her if I had gotten the right cup, but she assures me this is Feral Dogs. Or perhaps it’s just a plastic bag caught in the breeze. One thing I do know is that it is not mostly mutts, possibly pit bull mixes, and their leader is not three-headed and wearing a great many “service medals and chevrons.”
Seriously, no one let me do fandom reviews ever again.
I see where the other reviewers get a damp flavor, it’s definitely musty in a good way. Earthy. Damp may not be a normal flavor, but what about Night Vale is normal, really?
I love the cinnamon. Love love love it. It’s cinnamon with a sweet undertone. More like a feral puppy.
However, I just bought a ton of Cinnamon Crackle, so while this is a good tea, it’s not one I feel the need to restock.
Yikes, any damp flavours are not welcome in my tea. Or perfume.