So I finally got my Adagio order today (yay!) but I have to say I’m not terribly impressed (boo!). The tins are in no way airtight and every last one of them leaked. I am covered in tea from opening the boxes. A few of the blends don’t even look blended and I have to practically shove my nose in the tea to smell any kind of scent. However, I purchased these knowing full well I’m not a huge fan of Adagio teas and I basically purchased them for the tins, so in that aspect I am very happy. I’m now just kind of looking at it as I purchased some sweet tins that just happened to come with free tea. But I don’t think I’ll be ordering again.
We picked this one out because, well, my wife is my sugar daddy XD. Also, this blend is right up her alley, a green blend with orange and ginseng? She’s gonna love it.
It’s fairly good. It tastes healthy in a good way. I don’t quite know how to describe it, but it is good. If you like ginseng, give it a whirl.
Oh no – your poor tins! I had the same thing with mine too – not a lot of leaf mixed, but some and if they’re not sealed that tightly, how much cross-contamination of odors can I expect? :O But yes – we basically bought tins that had free tea! That’s exactly how I see it.
Oh no – your poor tins! I had the same thing with mine too – not a lot of leaf mixed, but some and if they’re not sealed that tightly, how much cross-contamination of odors can I expect? :O But yes – we basically bought tins that had free tea! That’s exactly how I see it.
I love that they recommend reusing the tins to take tea on the go with you. There’s no way in hell I’m putting a leaky tin of tea in my purse, we all know it’s going to explode open.