To JustJames, thank you so incredibly unbelievably much for sharing this with me. I was able to identify which tea this was right away, and that alone made it all the more special. Thank you!
In the bag, this tea smells like a conglomerate of fruit and something else unidentifiable but sweet, although I suspect I was likely smelling several other teas, as the entire sample package smells delicious, and I almost wish I could make a tea that just smells like the whole package.
I steeped this up keychange style, so I added in my requisite rock sugar and cream, and gave it about four and a half minutes, heaping tsp for about 8 oz of water.
The taste is indeed exquisite and refined, and I could tell immediately that the tea was of high quality. I didn’t have quite the revelation JustJames had while drinking this tea, and for that I am sorry, but it was delightful nonetheless. It tasted sort of reminiscent of H and S’s Parris, although the base is more pronounced, and if you let it steep too long, you almost, and I really do mean almost encounter a slightly medicinal note that actually isn’t entirely off-putting. The bergamot in this is also detectable, although I can’t quite recall if bergamot is even listed in the admittedly intriguing description.
I’m glad I have 100 more g of this tea though, because I really did enjoy it! thanks again, JustJames!