Last week I drove back home for Thanksgiving and it was TONS of fun! Left at 3am, arrived at 10-11ish. Had our festivities. I was told we were going to leave at noon to drive back down to Southern California buuut I got woken up at 7:45 in the morning, being told to get up and get ready because we were going to San Francisco!! Ahh so exciting :) We went and had fun. I saw that there was a DAVIDs promo where you spend $30 in store and you get a free tote and I was all AWW YISS. Went to the store and the last said that you had to spend $60 and I was all…??? But apparently that was a Canadian offer and the offer here in the US was spend $35 and you get a free perfect mug! So that’s what I did because I couldn’t control myself. I ended up getting the 12 Days of Tea, an oz or two of peppermint because my sister was running low, and an ounce of this tea bc I didn’t have any tea from the fall collection.
Definitely made this weird.
I think over steeped, over leafed, and too hot water? Blegh the bitterness is real.
Definitely dowsed this tea with milk and sugar haha. The second cup should be better!
Dang. I am so lost without my tea scale…