Following 28 Tea Drinkers
Most of my reviews will be “snippits” of full reviews that can be found at ht...
So the short story is, a few years ago I was VERY MUCH into tea. And then a l...
I’m based in France for now, hence the overwhelming amounts of French teas I ...
Queer femme looking for love in the form of tea. Currently on a (seemingly ne...
Dessert Tea Lover. Massive Iced Tea Drinker. Mate Obsessed. Hula Hooper. Go-G...
I came from a tea drinking family, but I never appreciated the different qual...
I’m a native Midwesterner (Iowa, specifically) who was happily uprooted to Ca...
29/f/CAN My favourite tea companies are DavidsTea and Verdant Tea. They pleas...
That’s my mug! I’ve never really been a huge fan of Winnie the Pooh, but I l...
My taste for tea started at an early age. As a child, I would frequently enj...