I’ve been wanting to try this forever and thanks to a swap with momo I am lucky enough to be able to! Thank you so much for this!

Okay, I love love LOVE doughnuts, but I’d never heard of a long john before – maybe it’s more of a Northern/MidWestern thing? Anyway, custard filled doughnuts are my favorite, and I like maple flavoring, so I figured there was no way this wouldn’t be awesome.

Steep notes: 3 tsp. leaf, 500 ml. water in the Breville, below parameters.

The dry leaf reminds me of a combination of DAVIDsTEA’s Oh Canada! and Frank’s Coconut cheesecake honeybush. So more honeybush/maple notes than doughnut so far. The first sip is ALL maple. Definitely Oh Canada! – right down to the cloying sweetness-without-being-sweet on your tongue. It almost seems to leave a residue behind on your tongue, too…not too fond of that. The steeped smell is predominately honeybush…so again, almost saccharine sweet.

Maybe it’s the fact that this is an older blend of Frank’s, or that its too hot to pick out anything but the strongest flavors, but I’m not getting much pastry from this. I’ll wait til it cools and see if that helps….

Nope. Still no doughnuts. Guess I’ll try adding milk and see if that helps.

Weird – the milk actually kind of made it seem thinner in texture, but I think I might get a tiny hint of pastry now? Something cakey just barely peeking through the maple. Yep, there it is!

Okay, that’s phase one for this blend – I think I’ll give this a shot latte style, though without sugar because it would definitely be waaay too sweet that way. I think it would improve texture to steep some of the leaf in the milk rather than adding it later. Then after that I’ll give it a shot iced.

I’m also thinking more doughnut teas would be awesome. Maybe like a chocolate eclair? OMG someone should totally try that!

Boiling 8 min or more

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My tea habits:

*I am an unashamed Lipton iced-tea drinker (mass quantities, year round).
*I like hot teas but only in cold weather (and occasionally late summer nights or mornings).
*I love Japanese greens (the more seaweed-y the better) and good strong malty black teas.
*I do NOT love smoke in any form.
*Vanilla, cinnamon, or lemon anything will usually pique my interest.
*I’m working on pu-erh but it’s definitely going to take some time to grow on me.

(updated September 2015)


Medford, OR

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