I have not been drinking this, but I’ve been adding it to my yogurt – thanks to Variatea’s brilliant idea. So far, I’ve added just a bit to a variety of flavors and it comes out great each time (though I do need to premix and then add back in so it isn’t lumpy and bitter. I’ve tried it in Yoplait Light Boston Cream Pie, Light Banana Cream Pie (which is surprisingly delicious), Light Strawberry, Light Greek Strawberry… anyway, it works in all of them, just adds a bit of an extra oomph in the creamy taste department, which is something these low fat yogurts tend to lack. I’m not sure I’d purchase for the sole use of yogurt adjuster, but it’s been a nice addition!
PS Work has been sucking my soul. If I work one more 50+ hour week, I may very well keel over and no amount of tea will resuscitate me.
Sorry work is so crazy! Hope it gets better!
Meanwhile, this yogurt idea is brilliant.