I’m afraid I’ve been completely sucked in the world of Pu’er.
I have never tried Sheng Pu’er before and Wild Monk Sheng Pu’er has been a marvelous introduction. To me it tastes like sweet, dried apples/hay/grass, no bitterness whatsoever. When it cools down I can detect some smokey notes. It’s a complex tea you really want to drink more and get to know it.. Pretty sure I will re-order.

Bonnie 12 years ago

Never heard that one before. Sucked in…ha ha ha! I had a pot of lightly steeped Shu today then I let the second steep go about 5 minutes and it still was mello…so I guess I got Sucked in too!

Garret 12 years ago

I am so happy that you are enjoying this, my friend! When I was visiting the place where this was grown and drinking it, I was captivated right away… I bought many, many pounds of the leaf to commission a pressing and the grower sent me back to America with a nice sized bag of the mao cha so that I could keep drinking it whilst waiting for the shipment to arrive – I am pleased with this tea and look forward (while not wishing time away) to what will become of this cake over the years.

While several of our customers are already brewing this with a full boil, others have responded well to brewing it at green tea temp or a little above with favorable results. fun to try both ways.

I was at a meditation retreat these last few days and I was using the leaf in my tea thermos and loving it.

Thank you for your review of the tea. I am grateful!

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Bonnie 12 years ago

Never heard that one before. Sucked in…ha ha ha! I had a pot of lightly steeped Shu today then I let the second steep go about 5 minutes and it still was mello…so I guess I got Sucked in too!

Garret 12 years ago

I am so happy that you are enjoying this, my friend! When I was visiting the place where this was grown and drinking it, I was captivated right away… I bought many, many pounds of the leaf to commission a pressing and the grower sent me back to America with a nice sized bag of the mao cha so that I could keep drinking it whilst waiting for the shipment to arrive – I am pleased with this tea and look forward (while not wishing time away) to what will become of this cake over the years.

While several of our customers are already brewing this with a full boil, others have responded well to brewing it at green tea temp or a little above with favorable results. fun to try both ways.

I was at a meditation retreat these last few days and I was using the leaf in my tea thermos and loving it.

Thank you for your review of the tea. I am grateful!

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