drank White Pear by Teaopia
1764 tasting notes

Disappointing. I’ve had far too many misses at teaopia lately. It makes me wonder if their grade of tea is sub-par, or if DT’s just uses extra premium. Either way, I am falling out of love with this tea establishment, tea by tea.
The tea itself was not bad, but again, not great. I get the sense that a similar tea from DT would go a step beyond to actually impress me.
One thing I do appreciate is that they use a Tea Master, so I’m not left housing the bag in my cup until I either finish it or find a convenient time/place to dispose.
Anyhow, I digress… the tea! I could taste the white, it was definitely not a premium white. I found it scratchy and a little grassy. I think the rose is what made me itch. Am I the only one that ever gets that sensation from teas?? bah…
The pear was hiding behind the tea, peeking out every now and then but not really making itself known. I wish it had come out to play more- and this, despite the add of some rock sugar!
Even still, there was something mildly pleasant about this tea. I enjoyed it much more than the Mango white they have. There was some depth as well, which I think rounded it out some. Overall, the Strawberry white at DT’s is the one to beat. I almost wish I’d found that one later on so that these wouldn’t fall so short! Standing apart from it though, this one is pretty decent. Maybe my earlier statement of “disappointing” was a little harsh.

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