drank Secret Weapon by DAVIDsTEA
1764 tasting notes

I made this iced today… in an effort to drink down some of my stash. It was nice, but not mind blowing. Maybe it’s too old? I’ve had it for awhile.
The almond flavour was very present, which was great… except that it hid any tea flavour that might have been present when made hot. Yep, I think this is better hot. No surprise there! Despite that, I think I’d give it an 84 when iced. Overall, one of the better iced teas I’ve made of late.
Oh and lookeee what I found! I’m sure some of y’all have seen this pic before but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Lucy 13 years ago

Oh my gosh I haven’t seen that before but it’s absolutely awesome. Thank you for sharing. It made me giggle.

Indigobloom 13 years ago

me to! teehee :P
I just looked at it again, and giggled… again!

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Lucy 13 years ago

Oh my gosh I haven’t seen that before but it’s absolutely awesome. Thank you for sharing. It made me giggle.

Indigobloom 13 years ago

me to! teehee :P
I just looked at it again, and giggled… again!

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