I got this tea full size and I also received three samples (Darjeeling, Chocolate Chili Chai, and Jumpy Monkey) as they do with any online order.
I immediately opened it and smelled the dry leaves-not too keen on the smell. It’s overwhelmingly chocolate-y and I really hope that this will disappear when the leaves are steeped.
The aroma of the steeping leaves is much more pleasant-not as chocolate-y and a lot more fruity. The color is semi-dark.
First sip-I only got a little because it’s still EXTREMELY HOT. Tastes a little water-y, I might have to put the leaves back in for a little while…..
It’s cooled down a little and it’s more enjoyable. It’s kind of tangy and the black tea is definitely the forte. The chocolate is kind of there in the background and I can kind of taste the sweetness of the strawberry. There’s no rose, however, and I LOVE rose teas, so that’s kind of disappointing. It smells DIVINE! Like the way that chocolate covered strawberries taste, if that makes sense. It’s still kind of weak… A little disappointing. My cup is almost empty so I’m going to resteep and use some more leaves and perhaps steep longer……
Second steep: ~205 degrees (Fahrenheit) for 6 minutes. I didn’t actually end up adding extra leaves, I thought the amount I had was plenty. The first steep has left a lovely sweet aftertaste in my mouth, and it is actually kind of floral. This steep is much more enjoyable. The flavors are a bit stronger and the flavor has really evolved. I really like this steep! The chocolate is sweet and a nice foreground for the tang of the strawberry. Still no rose flavor really, so I will make sure to get some rose in there next time….
Overall a nice tea. I probably won’t repurchase this but is a nice treat and I’ll enjoy it while it lasts!
It’s always fun when you get new tea. :)
Absolutely! I’ve read so much about DAVIDsTEA and I’m excited to try even more!
I didn’t taste the rose either so you’re not alone. I love DAVIDsTEA for the most part.
From reviews I’ve read it’s not very prevalent… Next time I’ll make a point to fish out some roses and throw them in