Having this tea this morning.
We are having company coming in this weekend, and I awoke this morning and saw the house as someone might who is just coming in the door.
I then had a small coronary event and then put the kettle on.
We have been putting all our energy into our new farm this year and the house sort of took a back burner.
So, I must try to make some sense of this mess, or I could just tell the guests that we were robbed…
I needed a brave and supportive tea this morning.
My hand hovered briefly over an assam, but no, this is the tea that I needed.
Its Tall, Dark and Encouraging.
Freaking out about the house?
This tea just smiles a little and says “We got this, babe”
What always throws me for a loop is the instructions to make this tea, you use boiling water and let it steep for 5 minutes.
It feels so un-oolong-like.
Hubby took a sip of this tea, and said “Puerh?” I said No, its a Oolong actually.
But, I understand why he first thought this.
This tea is quite earthy and nutty.
Sometimes, on the second or third steeping I get a bit of seaweed note coming through.
Also, notes of oak.
But, as I said before, It is still an Oolong.
Very glad I got this tea, I can not wait to share it with one of my house guests who I know enjoys Oolong.