I was digging around in some of my tea stash from last year and found a whole bag of goodies from 52teas from one of the grab bag promotions. This was the little sample on top of the pack. Yay! It’s almost Shamrock Shake season, right? This tea is BETTER than Shamrock Shakes though, I think. As lovely and craved as Shamrock shakes are, they do taste very artificial and I typically only can finish a small cup per season. I can see myself coming back to this tea, too bad I only have the taster size.
To be fair though, I do my usual morning Brews to take to work, and I drank the third brew first on the commute to work, and the first brew in the afternoon. I’m glad it worked out that way, the hit of mint in the morning would have been perhaps too much for me, but it was quite lovely and mild by the third steep. I’m not sure why I never thought of peppermint and vanilla green tea together, I drink both quite often. Of course, that’s what I might have to resort to when I run out of this sample, I just checked the website and I didn’t find any in stock. Sigh. You guys! If you reblend I’ll buy a big bag! =)
In the meantime I know that I got some teas from the holiday thing, I just have to recall where I stashed them.