drank Thé sur la Lune by Nina's Paris
1792 tasting notes

Thank you for the sample, VariaTEA! This blend automatically makes me think of the colour purple, and truly the moonlight. I’m expecting purple/blue fruits from the way it smells, and sure enough, the blueberry note is the strongest for me, followed by the strawberry. I do, however, get a slight smokiness in the background here too, definitely from the base. I’m not a fan of smokiness, even the slightest bit. I’m kind of whiney in that respect. But I’m really liking the fruits in here.

As this cools, I’m detecting a sparkly citrus note, but I only got that with the last two sips in the cup, and they disappeared as quickly as they showed up. No passionfruit, sadly, but you can’t win ‘em all! And frankly, it doesn’t really need it.

I’m grateful there’s no jasmine in here, because usually any sort of night-time allusion is met with night-blooming flowers, particularly jasmine, of which I am not a fan in tea.

Change the base and I’d rate this higher.


I got no smokiness from this but then again I don’t mind smoke so it probably doesn’t stand out as much to me. I also really liked the berry flavors though.


Yeah the berry flavours are so well-balanced.

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I got no smokiness from this but then again I don’t mind smoke so it probably doesn’t stand out as much to me. I also really liked the berry flavors though.


Yeah the berry flavours are so well-balanced.

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