Today I made Lupicia’s Caramael Matcha au Lait mix like this:
1. Two teaspoons of matcha powder in the cup
2. Cup half-filled with hot water
3. Whisk stir whisk stir.
4. Fill the rest of the cup with 2% milk (because i don’t like drinking hot hot tea, the cold milk cooled the drink to the perfect temperature)
5. Whisk stir whisk stir.
It was pretty good. Kinda creamy. I can’t say that I get a strong sense of ‘caramel’ from the drink. Just green tea, with perhaps a hint of burnt sugar. Maybe I put too much milk in, and it was drowned out? But that doesn’t seem right, since the tea was pretty thick. shrug
ha ha this sounds delicious… but too bad it sorta flopped…
have you tried adding soy milk instead? it tends to be lighter or rice milk?
I’ll have to pick some up next time at the market, it seems worth a shot!
woot. i know how it feels when you flop..