Followed by 49 Tea Drinkers

TeaGinner 142 followers

I am a tech-savvy tea enthusiast that loves playing guitar and drinking tea!

Lilysmom 74 followers

Vancouver born, and love the city. Fairly new to tea, I found Davids Tea in ...

TeaPerspective 37 followers

Just here to try some new teas and network with other tea lovers from around ...

Fallon McNeil 11 followers

Tea lover working @ DAVIDsTEA I am a huge fan of flavoured teas, but love the...

Bluechai 110 followers

Bluechai is organic blue tea made from fresh butterfly pea flowers. Its rich,...

MoxTea 63 followers

MoxTea is a 100% natural herbal blend tea that Boost Energy & Busts Anxie...



I’m huge Harney & Sons fan.

I love trying new teas. Every tea that I try allows me to have an experience to learn my likes and dislikes.

I am continuing to learn how to properly brew teas. I’ve learned so much so far since I’ve been a member.

I love buying Forlife products. I think that they are made with great quality!

I love eating organic foods when I have the chance.I’ve recently become a vegetarian.


Yonkers, New York

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