2021: How much will you spend on tea this year!?
I’m setting myself a budget of $500 this year, which I went slightly over in 2020. My annual cart at TTC will be purchased, and I have a few others in mind.
2019 TOTAL: $383.53
2020 TOTAL: $528.07
2021 TOTAL (thus far, $500 cap): $449.05
$58.65 Camellia Sinensis (18-February)
$59.00 Camellia Sinensis (18-April)
$104.00 Steam Tea House (20-April)
$69.00 Camellia Sinensis (24-June)
$56.00 Steam Tea House (12-July)
$102.40 Camellia Sinensis (7-October)
I don’t have a budget really but am curious as to tracking my spending. I definitely would like to budget a bit more on tea this year since I’ve definitely missed trying out several tea companies that have closed by waiting too long.
2021 Spent So Far:
Paromi $5 (Personal)
Adagio $8 (Personal)
Amazon $7 (household)
DavidsTea $37.25 (Split)
Harney & Sons $2.40 (Personal)
Theodor $31.09 (Personal)
DavidsTea $16.75 (Split)
Harney & Sons $0.55 (I had points)
[April] $0.00
[May] $0.00
Harney & Sons $5.50 (personal)
DavidsTea $48.15 (household)
DavidsTea $25.00 (split order personal)
DavidsTea $27.72 (split order household)
Bird & Blend Tea Co. $5.00 (personal)
DavidsTea $20.52 (split order)
52 Teas Advent Calendar $42.50
Valhalla Tea Company $10.00
Adagio $2.25 (personal)
Harney & Sons $2.40
White2Tea $30.00
LiquidProust Etsy $9.00 (used a giftcard so doesn’t count)
2021 Total: $278.92
2021 Personal Spent: $157.46
other years (2016-2020): $ thousands of US$
2021 as of 2/17/21: $1562.79
January (14 orders (5 subscriptions but one contained an order placed with the company) – $1025.35 USD)
$20 — Amoda (monthly subscription)
$70.22 — DAVIDsTEA USA (loose leaf tea although some of this had to be replaced, received Feb 2021)
$65.50 — Tea Thoughts (tea themed accessories / Valentine’s Day countdown box)
$68 — Tea Thoughts (tea themed accessories)
$95 — T2 USA (semi-annual sale loose leaf tea)
$371 — High Garden Tea (sale on loose leaf traditional teas from 2019 harvest)
$7.98 — Harts of America (monthly subscription)
$41.85 — Verdant Tea (loose leaf tea)
$7.47 — Dessert by Deb (loose leaf tea December 2020 order, bought more than this but spent gift card on most of the total)
$92.33 — Amoda Tea (loose leaf tea)
$101.50 — High Garden Tea (sale on loose leaf traditional teas from 2019 harvest)
$84.50 — 52teas (loose leaf teas+Jan subscription, subscription pre-paid)
(Sipsby box for Feb “paid” in January with a gift card — Verdant Tea January box paid for in 2020)
February (11 orders(5 of those subscriptions) – $537.44 USD)
$20 — Amoda (monthly tea subscription)
$110 — The Necessiteas (loose leaf teas)
$84.99 — DavidsTea USA (redemption/sale items: loose leaf teas, 1 tin, 1 tumbler)
$78 — Spice Trekkers (misc loose leaf teas/tisanes)
*$75.58 — DavidsTea USA (sale loose leaf teas order still processing)
100.25 — Tea Thoughts (tea themed accessories)
$7.98 — Harts of America (monthly tea subscription)
$50.64 — Verdant Tea (sale loose leaf tea green)
(pre-paid: Verdant Tea monthly box paid for in 2020, *DbyDeb Jan/Feb box, *52teas Feb box)
I spent about $850 CAD in 2020, which was a little over my budget but acceptable. However, I now have way too much tea and need to drink some of it down before buying more. I plan to take a four- or five-month buying hiatus until the new spring teas come in. We’ll see how that goes…
What-Cha: $118.22 CAD (275 g)
Floating Leaves: US$89 (230 g)
Wang Family Tea: US$96 (225 g, plus over 100 g in samples!)
Ethan Kurland: US$190 (230 g, including teaware)
Bok from TeaForum: US$268 (150 g, expensive teaware)
Wuyi Origin: US$132.50 (250 g)
It’s time for another tea buying hiatus. :O
Courtney, I have way, way more than 65 teas. I wouldn’t be surprised if I had 250. Maybe I need to do a cupboard inventory.
Good luck getting your cupboard to a level that you’re happy with!
I finally have everything from last year totaled up!
2019- $2,180.21
2020- $3,570.78
January ($85.88)
Bird and Blend sub- $16.60
Davidstea- $8.78
52Teas sub- $20
Teavivre- $40.50
February ($20)
52Teas sub- $20
March ($318.18)
Bitterleaf teaware- $103
Teavivre- $43.70
Brutaliteas- $51.75
Petals and Poison-$42
Verdant- $39.33
Petals and Poison- $38.40
April ($84.33)
Lupicia- $64.25
Tea Thoughts- $20.08
May ($139)
Dessert By Deb- $78
Whispering Pines- $61
I’m trying to get my cupboard under control, so my goal is to spend under $2,000 this year. As of 5/28, I’m only at $647.39!
The Steepster’s Plight:
I will not buy more tea this year. I will not buy more tea this year.
My ‘cupboard’ is burgeoning as usual. 6 crocks of puerh samples and cakes. 1 of white tea cakes. A coworker recently gifted me a wooden tea transport box he brought back from when he was a kid in Japan. It miraculously fits all my black, oolong and heicha. So at least everything is contained instead of tumbling from the shelves and set of drawers in my closet. It’s simply too much tea. I do take comfort in knowing that I have enough tea, thanks to the puerh, to last a few years should society as I know it crumble.
In reality, I will be buying a few fresh greens and whites this year. Hoping to keep yearly spending to less than $100 unless any of the puerh samples catch my fancy.
Whoops. Bought myself two pouches in Oxalis. Hopefully Zasněžená romance and Thai Lemon will be worth the money. Especially the latter smells like lemon juice.
Ah jeez. I’m already over 500 USD and we aren’t out of January.
However, I won’t be spending much more for a while though as I now have a massive backlog of cakes.
Final cost USD from 2020 was around 2.5k.
In 2020 I ordered loose leaf from 4 new to me companies, tried a few new bagged tea boxes, and even a drinkable shou puerh from an asian supermarket. I estimate I purchased about 11 pounds of tea in 2020, and while I probably didn’t drink quite that much, it was close :)
Past years spending:
2020 -$411
2019 -$382
My budget is about a dollar a day so I don’t think I’m doing too bad.
Tea goals for 2021:
White2tea order and at least one other company from my Wishlist (why add them if I never get around to ordering!)
Tea storage and organization, especially for daily drinkers and sipdowns.
I’ve already spent 1/3 of my yearly budget with a San Fran Herb order so I need to get started on the sipdowns!
In 2021 I spent $436 on tea and ordered from 3 new to me companies. While I didn’t stay under budget, I didn’t go over by much.
I see a Simpson & Vail order in my future if I can time it to their 20% off sale. And I’d like to sip down more and buy less bagged tea just because it’s easier for travel.
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